What Kind of Juicer is Best for Nutrition?


Not all juicers are alike when it comes to the amount of nutrients they extract from fruits and vegetables. It’s important when buying a juicer and making juice that you use a juicer that provides the most nutrition possible.

The health benefits that come from juicing come from extracting all of the nutrients that are in the fruit or vegetables and then making sure that they end up in the juice. If you use a juicer that is not able to extract the nutrients without damaging them, then you’re not going to see any real benefit.

Juice that doesn’t haver any nutrition is no better than store brought juices.

The whole point of buying a juicer is to make sure that you end up with a juice that is full of vitamins, enzymes, and is high in nutrition.

In order to do that, you need to make sure that you’re buying a good juicer. One that is able t extract nutrients without damaging them and also extract that most possible.


Masticating Juicers vs Cold Press Juicer for Nutrition

That is a trick question. Why? Because cold press juicers are the same thing as masticating juicers. I’ve written about this before, and you can read a detailed review of cold press juicers here to learn more.

There are three basic kinds of juicers. Hand press, centrifugal juicers, and cold press.

Make sure to know that all cold press juicers are masticating and vice versa. It will make looking for and shopping for a juicer much easier.

Remember, juicing doesn’t destroy nutrients. However, if you get the wrong type of juicer you won’t get as many nutrients from the fruits and vegetables. That’s why I advise you get a Cold Press juicer.


Which Juicers Preserve Nutrition and Nutrients

The best juicer for nutrition will be a cold press juicer. Also sometimes called a masticating juicer. They are both designed to extract the most juice with the least amount of heat damage.

Some people wonder if juicing is better than blending, and there are merits for each argument. But as I covered in a prior article, jucing has a place for people looking to get maxium nutrition. You’re getting rid of a lot of unnecessary fiber and keeping all of the vital nutrients.

That’s why cold press juicers have the word cold in their name. They are not going to have the same amount of heat damage to the juice that other juicers will have.

The cold press method that masticating juicers use prevents damage to the juice. This in turn makes it so that the juice has the most nutrients possible.

Cold press juicers are slow press style. The slower turn style of the juicer is designed to press maximum amount of juice from the fruit or vegetables.

AS to which juicers you can use, it varies. As long as you are buying a cold press juicer, then it’s not a huge thing to vary the brand.

I personally like to use Omega, but you can’t go wrong by using a GreenStar or a Hurom or any of the other good cold press style juicers.


How You Store Your Juice Effects the Nutrition Content

The best way store your juice is in a glass bottle. You do not want to use a plastic bottle that might leach BPA chemicals.

I’ve gone so far as to review juicers and discuss which juicers do not have BPA in them.

However, the juicer isn’t the culprit when it comes to BPA. More often than not a juicer is not going to have BPA but the storage container will.

I highly recommend that you not store your juice in plastic bottles. Use a glass bottle.

But if you want to really get the most nutrition from your juice, then what I suggest is that you choose to drink your juice as soon as you are finished with it.

The nutrition in fresh juice does not last for days, so it’s best to drink your juice as soon as you have made the juice.

The longer you wait to drink the juice, the more likely it is that the juice will not be as fresh nor taste as good or have as many nutrients.

When you make juice, you should try and drink it as soon as possible. It doesn’t make sense to make a juice and then store it in your fridge for days on end. It’s simply not something that you should be doing.

If you want to make sure you have the most nutrients in your juice, then what you need to do is either drink it as soon as you’ve finished making the juice or else store it in a glass container (I like to use brosclite glass containers as they are stronger and don’t break).