If you were to ask most people what kind of juicer they would prefer, the obvious answer would be a quiet one. It’s quite simple, most people don’t like noise and they certainly don’t want a noisy loud juicer when they could get a quiet one.
While it might seem like it’s a simple thing to look for in a juicer, it is really important. A loud juicer is just the worst choice for every reason.
I will put it as simple as I can, a loud juicer is going to be inferior to a quiet juicer in every way.
What I want to do in this brief write up is to cover some of the main reasons why you will want to get a quiet juice and avoid a loud one.
Here’s a good example of a juicer that’s quiet enough to use for most people.
You Won’t Disturb Your Neighbors
If you have roommates or if you live in an apartment, then you can’t use a loud juicer without bothering people. Cold press juicers—the kind that are most commonly used to juice leafy greens—are quiet.
However, if you just buy a cheap juicer that doesn’t specify that it’s designed for cold press or green juices, then you’re likely to be dealing with a loud juicer.
If you’ve never used a basic juicer, then you’re not going to appreciate the terrible noise that the basic models can make. Basic off the shelf models are simply too loud for most people. It’s not that these juicers are cheaply made (which they are) it’s that loud juicers are really loud.
Most people who have never used a juicer would not realize how loud a basic juicer is. And if you’re buying a juicer that is not designed to be used for leafy greens or cold press juice, then you’re dealing with a loud juicer. It’s that simple.
Quiet Juicers Tend To Work Better
Quiet juicers work better than loud juicers. It’s not just that they don’t have that terrible loud sound that makes juicing problematic, it’s that quiet juicers are going to work better at making juice.
The loud juicer is loud because it uses high speed blades to make juice. This isn’t effective and you are not getting a lot of the juice that you get with a slow speed, cold press, quiet juicer.
The louder the juicer, the more speed you’re working with. And it’s important to remember that speed does not equal a better juicing experience. That’s not how this works. Maybe if you were dealing with cars, but if you’re not dealing with automobiles than it’s not a good comparison.
You want a quiet blender because they are built better than loud blenders. The quiet blender works better because it’s stronger. A fast blender is not better than a strong blender. Power and slow pressure is what makes the best juice.
Quiet Juicers are Built Better
It’s cheaper and easier to make a loud juicer, which is one reason why inexpensive and poorly made juicers are so loud. It costs more to make a quiet juicer.
But that also ties into the fact that quiet juicers are made better. The companies that produce them spend more time on design, engineering and all other aspects of production.
What you end up with when you purchase a quiet juicer is a product that is better built, and which will last longer.
The loud juicers are loud because they have fast motors. They are not strong, they are simply running at a high speed. What you want when you are buying a juicer is a slow press juicer that has a lot of power.
A cold press juicer that handles leafy greens is superior to a loud juicer by design. It’s going to extract more juice and do it more efficiently.
The quiet juicers are simply made better, will last longer, and will extract more juice from your fruits and vegetables.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!