It doesn’t matter if your juicing leafy greens, fruits, or carrots and beets, you will need to wash them before juicing.
Ideally you are going to be buying organic, pesticide free produce, but even if you do buy organic veggies and fruit, then you will need to clean it.
Natural Ways To Wash Your Vegetables Before Juicing
Avoid Dish Washing Soap
The problem with using a commercial soap is that so many of them have chemicals. These chemicals can cling to the vegetables and get into your juice.
While they will wash the dirt and oil and grime off of the vegetables, they will also leave a residue. If you make your own soap, then you can use that, but how many people make their own soap?
Some people might try and use a commercial soap, but I don’t recommend doing that because soap can be hard to get off the vegetables and you’ll end up with a soapy taste. That said, the best ways to wash your veggies is by either using vinegar or an organic vegetable wash.
Wash Vegetables with Organic Soaps
Organic vegetable cleaners can be used safely because they don’t have the harsh chemicals that regular soap has. These organic washes can be used to remove waxes, pesticides, and other junk that you don’t want on your food.
It’s especially important when you’re making juices with leafy greens.
Things like carrots can be peeled, even apples. But leafy greens are not something that you peel. So, they need to be thoroughly cleaned.
This wash is also great for lemons because when you’re making a green juice with leafy greens, lemons—particularly lemon oil—is a great way to make it taste better.
So, soak the lemons and scrub them in an organic wash. You don’t want to just squeeze the juice out of the lemon, you want to juice the skin which is where the lemon oil is.
I would wash all leafy greens in a organic wash. Apples I would suggest you peel unless you get organic, then you can wash them. Also, make sure you get organic lemons. You will be juicing the skin so it’s very important that they be organic.
It’s Not Just Dirt You’re Washing Off
While you might think that the only thing you’re washing off your fruits and vegetables is dirt, it’s much more!
Most vegetables and fruits are going to have been sprayed with chemicals. That’s why I advise buying organic and pesticide free as often as you can.
If you only rinse your fruit and vegetables off under water, you’re not going to get them clean.
You need to use a soap that will remove chemicals and the oily spray substance that pesticide makers attach to the chemicals so that they stick to the plants and fruits.
Water alone isn’t enough to remove things such as:
- Deet
- Acephate
- Metaldehyde
Submerge and Wash
My prefered method of washing vegetables is to submerge them in water with soap to get them completely soaked.
The next step I take is to then spray or hand wash them with a sponge (if they are hard vegetables) or rinse them under the faucet if they are soft or leafy green vegetables.
Then I rine them again and submerge them in clean water and finally I paper towel dry them
Organic Vegetable Washes
I’ve listed a few good options. They are all made with healthy ingredients that will not only be healthy and safe to use, but will be effective at removing some of the harsh pesticides and chemical residue that you find on many fruits and veggies.
This is the famous Fit Organic wash. It won’t leave an aftertaste, and is much more effective then just using salt and water. You dilute it and use it to wash your vegetables.
This is an easy spray bottle. It’s based on citrus cleaning agents.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!