Once you’ve decided that you’re going to start juicing celery and drinking celery juice, the next logical question is how often you should have it.
It’s important to figure out your schedule because you are going to have to buy celery juice and any other ingredients ahead of time. It’s not really worth it to buy premade celery juices because the health benefits that you get from them are questionable at best.
Most people agree that if you want to get the health benefits from celery juice, it’s better to make it fresh at home.
Not only are there more health benefits from making fresh celery juice at home, but it’s so much cheaper. There’s nothing more expensive than buying premade celery juices or fruit juices.
And as most people know, if you buy fresh juice from a store there is a risk of getting sick from things like botulism. That’s why I suggest that you make your own fresh celery juice and other juices at home where you know exactly what is going into the juice.
Can Too Much Celery Juice be Harmful
Before we talk about how often you should drink celery juice, let’s first see if there is any amount of celery juice that can be harmful?
Well, not unless you’re gulping down so much liquid that you’re going to get physically sick.
There’s nothing in celery that makes it something that you need to be cautious about.
However, as a general rule I do suggest people don’t typically drink several cups of juice a day unless you’re doing a juice fast.
If you are drinking a reasonable amount of celery juice, such as a cup of celery juice or even two cups, then there’s not issue.
I do always advise that you have equal amounts of good filtered water throughout the day. Especially if you’re drinking dark green juices.
How Much Celery Juice Should You Drink Each morning?
I think that a good amount of celery juice to drink each morning, at least to start with, is around 8 ounces.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to have it straight. You can mix in other things such as a half a lemon, or some apples or even a pineapple. If you want, you could even add a bit of raw honey to the celery juice.
But the amount of liquid I suggest starting off with is around that much.
You don’t want more than that because, if you’re new to juicing, then you might not be used to drinking large amounts of fresh juice.
Also, I tend to think it’s just better if you ease yourself into juicing rather than drink 20 ounces of fresh juice in the morning.
What you might want to try and do is make two servings, and leave one in the fridge. Then you can have this juice when you come home at night.
I’d advise against just drinking a huge amount of celery juice or any juice for that matter in the morning.
It’s better to have a regular serving and then to wait until later to have your second serving of juice. That way you don’t get into a situation where you’re drinking 16 ounces of celery juice and feel sick in the middle of the day.
Is One Cup of Celery Juice Enough?
That depends upon what exactly you are looking for? People drink celery juice for all sorts of reasons.
Some people want to lose weight, specifically fat. Other people are looking to lower their blood pressure. And still others want to do a juice cleanse or just incorporate extra plant based nutrients into your diet.
If you’re juicing celery straight, without adding anything to it, then a cup is enough.
If you start adding in other vegetables like kale or cucumber, then it might not be adequate as far as celery.
What I would suggest is that you stick to mostly celery for your celery drinks, and add only a small slice of organic lemon or green apple to your juice. You could also add turmeric to the celery juice, though that won’t really improve the flavor, so I would still add lemon or apple.
That way you’d get enough of the celery juice, but still have something in it that will make it taste better.
It’s always a good idea to ease into any sort of juice routine. And a cup of celery juice a day is good starting point.
So, my takeaway on this topic is simple. For most people a single cup of celery juice is enough to start with.
Down the road if you get more into fresh juices, then you can incorporate a second cup of celery juice later in the day.
You can read up on the best juicer for celery here. I coverd my thoughts on the topic in more detail so wanted to link to the article so you could review.
Do You Need To Get Organic Celery When Juicing?
Before we wrap up our discussion of juicing and celery, I think it’s impoprtant to discuss what type of celery you should use.
Do you need to get organic celery? Or can you simply get regular celery and make sure you wash it properly before juicing?
Well, the truth in these situations is that organic is better. And if you can afford it, I would suggest that you do use organic celery.
The great thing about organic produce, especially celery, is that there is not much of a price difference between getting good healthy organic celery and regular brand name celery. If you shop in a major supermarket, a BJs or Costco, or any other large store they should have organic options.
The other issue that comes up when juicing celery is that you should always make sure to buy fresh celery. You don’t want celery that is too old or limp.
I would advise against buying celery in bulk. You should buy fresh and use it as soon as you can. You don’t want to keep celery for too long because it will go limp. And if you have a small kitchen, then you don’t want to waste space storing things outside your fridge to make room for celery (apples, for instance, or beets which do keep better in the cold).
Notes and Sources:
Dangers of Store Brought Juices
Recalls on Store Made Vegetable Jucies

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!