Omega is one of the best names in juicing. If you’re considering buying a juicer, then odds are that you’ve come upon Omega juicers.
In the world of juicers, Omega stands out. They are in company with brands such as Greenstar, and then new companies that came onto the scene such as Kuvings and Hurom.
As any frequent reader of my blog would tell you, I’m a big advocate for the Omega brand of juicer.
Why? Well, it’s because it’s simply –in my opinion- the easiest to use, the easiest to clean, and more importantly it is the most durable.
Now, it’s not cheap. There are some cheap juicers on the market. Many of them are even auger style cold press juicers. But honestly I would not recommend them. One of the reasons that I suggest people buy cold press juciers is that they last longer.
While you might be able to save a few bucks buy buying a cheaper juicer, the fact is that they don’t last as long as Omega juicers.
I’ve been using my Omega juicer for over 10 years. And that’s not uncommon in the juicing community to have an omega that lasts that long.
There’s no simple answer as to how long an omega juicer lasts, as it depends on how you maintain the juicer and how
The Juicer, not the Juice
Let’s first make a distinction. This article is set out to answer how long an omega juicer lasts, not how long juice made with an omega juicer lasts.
Those are two very different topics. I am not discussing how long juice lasts. That’s a completely different topic. I’ve written about that before, but briefly, you want to drink your juice as soon as you make it. I’d suggest that you only keep juice for a few hours. The longer you keep the juice, the more likely it is that the juice loses it’s maximum nutritional value.
If you’re looking for a good overview on how to use a juicer, then I suggest reading my intro article.
What this article is about is the juicing machine. How long you can expect a juicer to last once you buy it. Those are more complex issues.
The omega juicer is not a cheap kitchen appliances. And if you’re going to spend the money on it, you want to know that it won’t break after a few uses.
Spoiler alert, the Omega is a solid piece of machinery and it won’t fall apart like some of the cheaper models that you see for sale.
Which Model Omega Juicer Are You Thinking About?
While I am a big fan of all of the Omega products, the one I personally have been using for years is the horizontal one. The vertical machines are also well made and reviews that you read online suggest that they are also powerhouses that will last for years.
However, I personally can attest to the classic Omega Juicer being something that will last for years on end.
And the best thing about this type of juicer is that it requires minimal maintenance. Basically none.
As long as you clean your juicer and keep it from being sticky and dirty, then there is little chance that you’re going to run into problems.
The problems come when you let your juicer remain dirty and don’t clean it. Even then you’re not going to have major mechanical issues, but you will have to deal with the auger or the gear assembly getting dirty.
I can say that if you wash the auger on your juicer and wash the pulp screen after every use, then you’re going to be able to use your Omega juicer for years.
This is the most reviewed and respected omega juicer. I think it’s probally the best option for anyone looking for a long lasting juicer.
Omega juicers are simply the eaiest to clean and maintain. The model shown here is pretty similar to the one I’ve used weekly (sometimes daily) for years.
This is easy to use, will last for years if you don’t totally neglect it. It’s what I would reccomend to everyone.
How Long Does the Juicer Blade Last?
There is no juice blade in an Omega juicer. That’s why people choose to buy and use Omega juicers to make their juice.
Juicers that use blades to make juice are not as good as juicers that use an auger. That’s a point that I’ve stressed over and over.
It’s not just that you are not cleaning a blade, but it’s more that the blades themselves break way more often than the augers.
If you’re using an omega juicer, then you have a juicer that functions using an auger. These are much stronger than juicers that are designed using blades. They simply are much stronger and function better than other designed juicers.
The auger on an Omega is simply much stronger than other designed juice extractors. The material is not fragile. It’s solid, durable, and not something that is going to break easily.
If you do break it somehow, maybe by smashing it against a stone floor? Well, you can always buy a replacement auger if you want.
But it’s important to know that the Omega doesn’t use a blade, they use an auger.
Tips to Keep Your Omega Running Longer
My main tips for using your omega and keeping it running as long as possible is that you should keep it clean.
That’s it, that’s the main suggestion that I have for all Omega juicer uses.
It’s important to not wash your juicer incorrectly. And the main mistake you can make is to put the body of the juicer into the dishwasher.
The body of the omega juicer is where the motor is housed. That’s the part that you never want to put into the dishwasher. That can ruin the engine.
The best way to wash the omega is to take the auger and attachment pieces and separately wash them.
You can even use something like a damp sponge and a paper towel. By cleaning the juicer softly and not dumping it into the sink you are going to prolong the life of your juicer.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!