A topic you run into again and again when buying a juicer is the topic of how a juicer extracts juice. More precisely, how does a cold press juicer work. And how does the juice get from the fruit or vegetable and into your glass.
Time and time again you will see people claim that a cold press juicer is a superior model of juicer. Why? How? Just how does a cold press juicer work better than a regular juicer. What exactly is the process and what makes it better.
Let’s examine that in detail. Once you’ve read this blog post or skimmed it :), you will have a much clearer understanding as to just what a cold press juicer is, how it works, and why it’s a good pick if you’re in the market for buying a juicer.
What Does Cold Pressed Juice Mean?
What does cold pressed mean? Does it mean you’re going to get a chilled juice? Do other juicers heat up their juice?
Basically it has to do with the heat produced during the juicing process. Some juicers do create excess heat. That heat isn’t often noticable when drinking the juice, but it has substantial effects on the juices health benefits.
Most people drink juice because they are looking to get health benefits. If you are damaging the healing properties of the juice, then what is the point?
A cold pressed juice is one made with as little heat as possible. The best juicers are those that are designed to produce little to no heat during the juicing process.
The distinction between cold pressed juice and other juice is that the cold pressed jucier works slowly. This slow speed prevents excess heat.
Ok, So How Does Cold A Cold Pressed Juicer Work?
So how exactly does a cold press juicer work so that it’s not creating heat. Well, it works slowly.
In most areas of life you want things that act fast. Who ever heard of wanting a slow computer or a slow car? But that’s exactly what you want when buying a juicer.
You want power and you don’t want speed. A fast spinning weak juicer creates heat. This damages the juice (heat destroys nutrients).
A slow juicer uses extreme power and pressure to squeeze the liquid out of the fruits and vegetables. You get the juice crushed out of the fruit instead of a high speed blade cutting up the fruit.
Let’s take a look at an apple for example.
You have a single granny smith apple that you want to juice. How does a cold press juicer work to get that juice out? It squeezes.
The auger will squeeze the apple. It uses tremendous pressure to crush the apple and the liquid leaks out.
Other juicers use really fast speeds to dice up the apple and hope that the liquid leaks out. This super fast speed creates high temperatures.
What Makes A Juicer Cold Press?
So what makes a juicer cold press? How can you tell you are buying a juicer that is a cold press juicer and not a normal juicer?
Most companies market their juicers as cold press. But sometimes they use different wording. Sometimes you will see a juicer marketed as a masticating juicer. Other times you might see the juicer listed online as a screw juicer. These are all cold press juicers.
As long as the juicer uses an auger, it’s a cold pressed juicer.
That’s my easy way to tell. If you look at the write up on the juicer and it lists an auger, it is a cold press juicer.
The auger means that the juicer works by pressing out the juice. This is the cold press method. See the word Press!
If the juicer doesn’t mention an auger and instead talks about a cutting disc or something, then you’re not dealing with a cold press juicer.
Another way to tell is by the brand. Some brands mostly make cold press juicers. Brands like Omega, Kuvings, Hurom, and GreenStar are well known and their product line is mostly cold press juicers. I have a more detailed overview of particular cold pressed juicers if you’d like to read.
Cold Pressed Juice VS Juicer Juice: Understainding The Difference
The important thing here is to differentiate between cold pressed juice and normal juicer juice. Because while they might seem similar, they are in fact quite different.
First, the temperaute issue. A cold press juicer creates much less heat during the juicing process. Less heat means less damage.
It’s not that your juice will be colded when compared to the juice from a regular juicer, it’s that there is less heat damage.
The second issue to consider is the way in which the juice is extracted. Crushing and pressing vs cutting. One will obviosuly produce more juice than the other.
And that’s a really important takeawy from this section. Cold pressed juicers produce more juice than regular juicers. It’s that simple. A regular juicer simply cannot prouce as much juice as a cold press machine because of the way in which it is designed.
The auger squeezes and crushes and ultimatly presses every last drop of juice from the fruit. The other type of jucier simply slices it up and hopes for the best.
If you want to get an idea of how a normal juicer works, take an apple and grate it on a plate using a micro grater or a cheese grater. You will be left with lots of tiny bits of shredded apple and some apple juice at the bottom of the plate. That’s a normal juicer in a nutshell.
And that’s the reason why I always advocate you use a cold press juicer.
It’s All in The Auger: How Cold Pressed Juices Work Differently

Finally, it is important to understand that when you’re dealing with a cold press juicer, you are dealing with an auger.
Some cold press juicers work with two augers, while most use a single auger.
The basics of an auger is so simple that it is amazing that it’s not universally used in making juice.
A auger is piece of hard material (sometimes metal, sometimes a BPA free hard plastic). It’s shaped like a big screw. The cold press juicer has a motor and the auger turns when the motor is turned on. This auger than masticats or chews the fruit really slowly but with tremendous power.
The liquid is then crushed out of the juicer.
And it’s not even that a slow press juicer is slower in result than a regular juicer. The high speed on the regular juicer doesn’t mean that you will get your juicer any faster. The high speed is simply the fast motor which creates higher heat.
Take a look at these two juicers. One is a slow cold pressed juicer and the other is a regular juicer. Not only is one much easier to operate, but you get more juice from it!
I highly reccomend the Hurom brand. It’s a top of the line product made by one of the worlds best makers of cold pressed juicers.
- Heat Damage to Fruits and Veggies A Lenghty Peer Reviewed Study

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!