Everyone knows that you need to eat your vegetables to be healthy. There is almost no debate about this topic. A diet high in vegetables has been linked to lower blood pressure, lower rates of cancer and heart disease, and in general improved health.
Below are a number of reasons why drinking green juices is good for you.
Green Juices Don’t Cause Bloating
The reason that people have gravitated towards drinking green juices is that they are easier on the stomach than eating large amounts of green vegetables. You get the nutrients without having to eat all of that unnecessary fiber that causes bloating.
In many instances, if a person eats too many vegetables, then they end up with stomach bloating. This isn’t the case when you are drinking green juices. One of the main reasons that drinking green juices is so good for you is that you’re eliminating a lot of the extra fiber.
While fiber is good, you don’t benefit from having too much. In fact, you only need a certain amount of fiber. Too much fiber, and you can get bloated. There’s a diminishing return to the amount of fiber you take in.
Juicing does not destroy fiber. Green juice does have fiber, but it’s only a small amount. For the most part what you’re going to get are the nutrients in the juice and not excess fiber.
If you are looking to get a ton of vitamin C, Lutein, Vitamin K and other vegetable based vitamins, then green juices is the best way to get them. Juicing doesn’t destroy nutrients, especially if you use a good cold press juicer.
Leafy Green Juices Combat Inflammation
Personally, I very much appreciate green juices because they are great for fighting inflammation. If you’re someone who is going to be exercising frequently, be it lifting weight or running or doing serious cardio work, you will want something to prevent inflammation.
There are some things that can aid in preventing inflammation such as dark cherries (a great thing to add to a leafy green juice is dark cherry juice concentrate). However, leafy greens are overall one of the more anti-inflammatory food groups you can juice.
My personal anti-inflammatory green juice recipe would be:
- -Kale or Spinach
- -Organic Parsley
- Organic Lemon with Peel
- -Turmeric (either organic turmeric root or organic turmeric powder)
- -Raw Fresh Pineapple (without the skin)
- Dark Cherry Juice (optional)
This mixture will taste amazing and will also help you feel better and recover from your workouts. It’s a great post workout drink on the days when you’re not going to have a protein shake after your workout.
You can even take this juice at night before bed as it will help you relax and sleep and have a more restful and relaxing sleep.
Drinking Green Juice Helps You Lose Weight
It’s a simple calorie calculation. Green juices don’t have a lot of calories. They are less calorie dense then fruit juices.
Also, because green juices and fruit juices have some fiber, they satisfy your hunger. It’s not like drinking plain water or tea. When you have green juice you will feel full and not want to eat for a while.
This makes green juices actually very good for people who are on a diet. If you’re on a diet, then you can have a green juice as a meal replacement if you’re looking to cut calories.
For instance a simple plan such as cutting out lunch and having a green juice instead would save you several hundred calories. This would be enough to keep you on track to lose a pound a week—which is considered the healthy amount of weight to lose.
Also, green juice is better at making you feel full and providing nutrients. Water doesn’t even provide the basic electrolytes that you need to function. Black coffee and other things like tea or diet drinks lack even the basic necessaties.
Green Juice Don’t Have Bad Sugars
As a final thought, it’s a good idea to realize that green juice is not filled with all of the bad sugar that you get from fruit juices and even commercial juices.
Store brought juices, and most freshly made fruit juices, are going to have an abundance of sugars. This is why most healthy bloggers and influencers will tell you to avoid fruit juices and sodas.
Sugars, be they from fruits or from fructose or sucrose, can add weight and make you sluggish.
When you are drinking leafy green juices you are not going to get as many sugars as when you drink fruit juices. Leafy green juices does not have the sugar load that the average fruit juice.
I suggest that if you are going to start making green juices, then make sure you choose the right type of juicer for leafy greens.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!