It’s not just an urban legend that tomato juice can help with sunburns. There’s actually some scientific evidence (which I will link to below) that covers just how protective tomatoes can be.
So, what I wanted to do with this article was build out the idea and fill in some of the gaps that you might have.
It can be confusing if you’re just stuck with the notion that “tomato juice helps with sunburn!”. Well, how? And how do you use the tomato juice?
Drink it? Take a bath in it? Read on to find out.
Does Tomato Juice Help With Sunburn?
Yes. That much is clear. There is ample evidence that tomato’s in general help with sunburn and other sun damage. We will cover that more below.
The important nutrient in tomato that helps with sunburn is Lycopene .
That’s the same anti-oxidant that you hear people talk about when they say “ketchup is good for you!”. It’s because tomato’s have lycopene.
Of course, the added sugars (or even high fructose corn syrup isn’t great for you).
The reason that tomato juice is preferred to tomatoes or other forms is that it’s easier to use (both internally and topically).
A word of caution, however. Even though tomato juice does help to heal a sunburn, it is not a substitute for sunblock or sunscreen. The risk of skin cancer isn’t negated because you use tomato juice.
What tomato juice can do is help lessen the short term damage (the redness and pain and swelling). It’s still important that you buy a good sunscreen to prevent cancer causing sun damage to your skin.
Do You Drink Tomato Juice or Apply It Topically For Sunburn?
You can do either. You can also do both. Topically can be a bit messy, but a lot of people do like to do a mixture of oatmeal and tomato juice in a mask. Others like to drink fresh tomato juice. They accomplish two different things. Let’s examine the each method.
Tomato Juice Applied Topically for Sunburn
You are going to want to do a bit of planning here. You’re not going to want to simply splash the tomato juice on your face, because it will run off. So, your options are either to do a tomato juice bath or some sort of tomato juice mask or poultice.
I prefer to opt for a tomato juice mask. You can make these with raw oats. The oats are also going to help soothe your skin and they also have the benefit of making the mixture not run off your face.
What you can do is get raw oats (you can use plan Quaker oats or buy a special organic oats online, just don’t use any oats that have sugars in them) and mix them up in a bowl with fresh tomato juice.
What you will end up with is going to be a slurry that you can pat on your face. If you have a blender, then I would suggest you blend up the oats and tomato juice into a thick mash. This will adhere to your face much better than a simply mix that you make with a fork.
Oats are a long time favorite to help soothe your skin. That’s why you see them in oat milk baths, oat soap, and all sort of bath products. They are able to create a silky texture to help with your raw skin. When you combine the oats with the tomato juice it creates a potent combo.
Tomato Juice Taken Internally (drinking it) for Sunburn
As this is a site that is geared towards juicing, you know that this is going to be something that I am keen on.
But I also like to juice tomatoes fresh and drink them because you’re going to get the nutrients right into your body and absorbed on a cellular level.
There is a time and a place for topical applications of things like vitamin C (for skincare) or tomato juice, but when you’re dealing with a sunburn I think a two pronged approach is best.
You want to get a lot of lycopene into your body. And the best way to do that is by drinking fresh tomato juice.
What I suggest is to make a light tomato juice using a combo of cucumbers, tomato and celery (it mimics a V8 but it much lighter as it doesn’t have the greens –kale or spinach).
The reason for making it light is that it’s refreshing and you can have a few glasses of it. You can add ice and have it as a faux bloody Mary cocktail, or you can just sip it while you’re relaxing.
Preventative or After Care: How To Use Tomato Juice for Sunburn?
If you’re going to hit the beach, or be outside where you know that there is a risk of getting sunburned, then it would be a good idea to preemptively take some tomato juice.
However, it’s better to prevent the sunburn than try and retroactively treat it (which is why I strongly advise using sunblock).
Preventative care is always important. And in this case it’s better to wear sunscreen (which is not expired!) than to only drink some tomato juice.
If, however, you find yourself in a situation where you do have a sunburn –then the sunscreen or sunblock won’t be of any help.
So, my thoughts are as follows.
If you’re planning a big outing and you’re going to be exposed to the sun (beach, rafting trip, hiking, whatever) then I would do the following:
- Make Sure you have good sunscreen or sunblock – it can’t be expired!
- Drink some tomato juice or eat a fresh tomato salad the night before
- Make sure that you bring a hat/sunglasses and apply sunscreen when needed throughout the day
Are There Studies To Back Up The Tomato Hype?
Yes. There are quite a few. I’ll link them at the bottom of the page if you’re interested in reading them.
The interesting thing about these studies is that they cover both external application of tomatoes and also eating or drinking tomato juice.
Preventing Sunburn: Sunscreen and Sunblock
The most important thing I can recommend is that you prevent the sunburn to begin with. And in order to do that you need to wear a sunscreen/sunblock.
I’m listing a few different options here. There is a Zinc option, a classic Banana Boat option, an Alba Green Tea one as well.
This grouping includes both Sunblock and Sunscreen. There’s a bit of a difference. Basically, sunblock “blocks” the sun. It’s often associated with white zinc on your nose that you might have seen years ago.
Basically, Zinc based sunblocks are more effective than sunscreen. You don’t want to only use a Zinc sunblock, most people use both a Zinc sunblock and apply it to the most vulnerable areas (nose, neck, etc…) and then use a regular sunscreen everywhere else. The benefit to the zinc is that it won’t wash off. That’s why you see so many surfers and lifeguards with it on.
Links to Studies
- How a diet in tomatoes protects against cancer
- Tomato Paste and uses for protecting against UV light
- Tomato juice benefits -study on mice

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!