Of all of the fruit juices around, cranberry juice is the least likely to make you fat. Except perhaps lemon.
Of course that only is true if you are juicing your own fresh cranberries. If you are drinking something store brought that is filled with sugar, then all bets are off.
The only way you can get fat when drinking cranberry juice is if you add too much sugar too it.
When Can Cranberry Juice Make You Fat
As long as you’re only drinking fresh cranberry juice, you don’t have to worry about getting fat.
The reason is twofold. First, whenever you drink fresh juice you’re avoiding added sugar. The added sugars are found in store brought juices.
Think of a freshly made juice as a health drink. The type of juice that you read about in health books when they mention fresh vitamins.
On the other hand, store brought juices are what you get when you buy something from the supermarket.
The issues with most store brought juices is that they are almost always loaded up with sugars. If not regular sugars, then likely you’re going to be getting high fructose corn syrup which is even worse.
And unfortunately that’s what most of the cranberry juice in the supermarket is going to be. Most of the juice for sale is going to be loaded up with sugars of one kind or another.
My general rule for all people new to juicing is that you’re better off making fresh juice from scratch.
If you go into a supermarket and buy cranberry juice you’re either getting something loaded down with sugars. Or you are getting a pasteurized concentrate.
Neither is good and you’re gain weight and get fat drinking the sugar filled cranberry juice.
How To Best Drink Cranberry Juice
My suggestion would be to simply avoid any type of cranberry juice that is going to be store brought.
Now, some people might say that you can get a Lakewood or other brand of cranberry juice, but I would still advise that you should make your own.
Some people like drinking the concentrates or the pure cranberry juices because they are looking for urinary tract benefits.
However, my belief is that fresh cranberry juice is just better.
Plus, it’s not hard at all to juice. And it’s one of the easiest fruits to clean. All you have to do is soak the cranberries in a large container of water and make sure to rinse them off thoroughly.
Honestly, the odd thing is that people would want to drink a store brought cranberry juice that might even be filled with sugars (or high fructose corn syrup–which has been suspected of being linked to stomach cancers).
It’s weird because drinking cranberry juice is thought to be a healthy thing and not something that would cause cancer! So stay clear of any cranberry juice that is sugar loaded.
Get a bag of organic cranberries and wash them in water with some natural vegetable cleaning spray and then juice them.
Personally I think that mixing cranberries with a leafy green like kale is a great way to mask the flavor of the kale and make it taste better.
Here’s my top 3 Ways to Drink Cranberry Juice
- Straight with cold water
- Juice with leafy greens
- Make A Tropical Juice- Pineapple, Cranberry, Mango, and Grape

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!