Do Juicers Remove Seeds?

Newbies often ask if juicers remove seeds. They want to know if they buy a juicer and start making fresh vegetable and fruit juice, if they are going to end up with seeds in their juice.

Normally that would be an odd questin. After all most juice that you buy has had the seeds removed from it.

I think that some of these questions started to come around after the populatiry of fresh juices that have “seeds” floating in them.

You’ve all seen the photos. However, those are mostly not seeds from fruit or vegetables. They are often chia seeds.

It’s almost unheard of to sell juice in a bottle with actuall seeds from the fruit or vegetables. The seeds simply don’t make it through the juicing process.

So, if you see seeds in a juice, and they are not chia seeds, then they have been added after the fact.


Does Juicing Remove Seeds From Fruits and Vegetables

seeds fruit

Yes. Basically. When you juice fruits and vegetables, either using a auger juicer or a centfigual juicer, you are going to end up with juice without seeds.

The juicers all have a built in screen that seperates the pulp from the juice. These screens are designed to prevent pulp from making it into your glass, so it is highly unlikely that seeds will.

Seeds are, afterall, much larger than pulp. So it makes sense that you will never see seeds in a juice from a juicer.

If you were to take something such as an apple, and run it thorugh a juicer, the juicer would remove the seeds. That is why there is no need to seed and core an apple before you juice it.

The main takeaway here is that if you use a juicer you won’t have big chunks of seeds floating in your juice. Blenders, on the other hand, don’t remove seeds…they blend them up.

Let’s look at some examples below in particular.

Do Juicers Remove Seeds from Strawberries 

A lot of people are particuarly concerned about juicing strawberries. These are one of the most highly debated fruits in the juicing world. Can you even juice a strawberry?

As I’ve said before, you can, but I tend to think that berries are best pureeded. You can certainly juice them, but the result will not be that amazing.

Why? It’s not because of the seeds, which the juicer will remove. It’s more that berries have a very delicate flesh. They are best suited to a blending.

If you do juice a strawberry, you’re going to end up with a lot of very moist pulp (it’s moister than the pulp from hard fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, beets, and celery). And it’s a waste to throw that pulp out.

But…if you do want a very clear strawberry juice then you should juice it and not puree it or blend it.

Just keep the pulp and use it later. Some things you might do with the strawberry pulp is to add it to oatmeal or granola cereal.

The video below shows you how you can easily juice strawberries. The references to ellagic acid is intersting (I’ve linked studies at the end).


Do Juicers Remove Seeds from Apples?

apple seeds do juicers remove seeds

Everyone loves apple juice, but you don’t want appleseeds in your juice. It’s just not a pleasant texture. Who wants to drink apple juice with seeds and chunks in it?

The people who want to make apple juice idealy want a fresh apple juice that is not pasturized and is healthy. Those store brands like Martenelli and Motts apple juice are not fresh raw apple juice.

Take a look at Motts or Martenelli juice. They are a brown color. Then take a look at fresh apple juice. It’s a light green color. More indicitative of the freshness and lightness of the juice.

And when you are juicing raw apples, yes, the juicer does remove seeds. You won’ t have to worry about the apple juice having seeds in it.

I have a complete write up covering the best juicer for apples here.

This video shows how easy and simple it is to make apple juice. The above recipe calls for apple and grapefruit, which is a great combo. The juicer featured in the video is a Kuvings BPA free slow press. Probally one of the best if not the best vertical juicers on the market.


Do You have To Remove Apple Seeds Before Juicing?

Absolutely not! There is no reason to remove apple seeds before juicing an apple. The juicer will remove all of the seeds for you. If you watched the above video, you will see that if you have the right juice (such as the Kuvings) you don’t even have to cut an apple. 

There are plenty of people who juice apples skin and all.

I own a horizantal juicer (the Omega Juicer) and while I can’t fit the apple in whole, I don’t peel the apple. All I do is slice the apple into segements and then put it into the juicer. That’s all that is necessary.

Should Seeds Bother You In General?

So the final question is, should you even bother about seeds? Is it important that you remove them from your juices before making them?

Honestly, yes and now. First, seeds are not bad for you. In fact, there are some real health benefits to eating fruit seeds in particular. Appleseeds in particular have been linked to supressing appetite and helping prevent cancer.

But the important thing to remember is when you juice you are getting some of the nutrients from the seeds. The seeds are crushed (in the case of an auger juice) and so there is some nutrient value being extracted. It’s not the same as when you eat the seeds whole, or even have a smoothie where the seeds are crushed up, but kept int the smoothie.

However, sometimes you want the pure juice without seeds and there is nothing wrong with that. The great health benefits from fruit come from their phytochemicsls. So, while fiber is great, and seeds are also good in moderation, drinking jucie without seeds is fine.