Can You Make Oat Milk With A Juicer?

Oat Milk has become very popular and it’s not just something that vegans like. It’s become a popular alternative to soy milk or almond milk.

Oat Milk (popularized by Oatly…the brand repped by famous celebs like Oprah) has sought to displace Almond Milk, Soy Milk, and Hemp Milk (which honestly never caught on).

So, this being a blog about natural juices and healthy living, I thought I’d answer a common question that comes up among people who like to juice at home: can you make oat milk with a juicer?

Quick answer is probably not, unless you do some really messy and complicated work which I’ll describe below.

What Is Oat milk Made From?


Ok, so what exactly is oat milk made from?

Well, it’s made from oats. Raw oats. Not cooked oats. The method to make oat milk varies depending on what company makes it.

The main method to make oat milk at home is to take oats and mix them with water and then strain out the water.

Some people add things like dates for sweetness or even sea salt. But at the basic core, oat milk is simply oats and water, with the oats soaked and then removed.

You can do this with huge industrial machines like the big players do. Or you can use blenders, like most DIY people do.

All you do is get some good quality oats and water and you have the ingredients to make oat milk.

If you’re looking to make oat milk with a juicer (or with a blender) then the only ingredients that you definitely need are oats and water.

Can You Make Oat Milk With A Juicer?


Yes, but I would not suggest you do it. It’s going to be messy and honestly, it would be easier to make oat milk with a blender, or with a simple strainer.

First, you cannot make oat milk with a regular juicer. So let’s cross that out right away.

You might be able to make oat milk with an auger juicer, but it will be completely messy.

The process of making oat milk in a juicer involves using the attachment that makes nut butter and fruit puree. You can then add an oat and water mash to the juicer. But, I think it would be best to just skip it and use a blender.

The problem with using a juicer to make oat milk is that it’s not designed to make oat milk. The reason? You are not removing water from oats.

In regular juicing, you are extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. When you make oat milk, you’re not juicing oats.

So, while you technically can make oat milk with a juicer, it’s not something I would ever advise.

Does It Help If You Have A Cold Press Juicer To Make Oat Milk?


Not really. While you might think that you can get away with using a cold press juicer to make oat milk, you really can’t.

Whereas a regular juicer is not going to be sufficient in any way, shape or form, some folks might get tricked by a cold press juicer.

These auger designed cold press juicers look like they might be able to make oat milk, but they really can’t.

What cold press juicers do quite well is to press juice from out of fruits and vegetables (especially leafy greens).

They don’t, however, do anything special in order to make oat milk.

Remember, when you are making oat milk, you are not squeezing any type of liquid out of the oats.

Rather, what you are doing when you are making oat milk is soaking the oats in a liquid (always a water) and then straining the oats and letting the liquid retain some of the oat flavor and the silkiness and smoothness of the oats.

A blender is the best method to use is you want to get the full flavor and smooth creamy texture of the oats. A strainer is simply not sufficient.

Does Oat milk Contain Real Milk?

does oat milk contain milk

No oat milk does not contain real milk. It’s a vegan substitute for cows milk.

In that way oat milk is similar to almond milk, rice milk, nut milk, and even soy milk.

Oat milk has become very popular due to the lack of allergies that people have.

Whereas some nut milks are not going to sit well with people due to them having allergies, the same is not true for oat milk.

It’s creamy like milk (not like full fat milk) but it doesn’t have the lactose issue that real milk has, nor does it have the ethical problems associated with drinking real milk.

How Can You Make Oat Milk At Home?

Ok. So let’s say that you don’t want to drink store brought oat milk. And there are some good reasons not to.

Well, there are a few methods that you can use.

  • How To Make Oat Milk With A Blender

The most common way to make oat milk at home is with a blender. The reason is that you get to breakdown the oats and water into a mash and get it all blended up.

Then, you stain that mash through a fine mesh strainer.

When you use a blender to make oatmilk at home you can also add other things such as dates or berries for sweetness and also salt.

When you are simply soaking the oats overnight and then straining them, adding dates and other things will not work.

  • How To Make Oat Milk At Home Without A Blender

You certainly can make oat milk at home without a blender, though it is not going to be as easy or as efficent.

The first thing I would do is make sure you have raw oats and then add them to a pot with clean filtered water. I would then soak the oats in the fridge for several hours.

Next, i would strain the oats though a sieve and collect the water. You might notice that this oat milk is not as thick as the oat milk that you get in a store. There are two reasons for this.

First, the oat milk that you get in a store has been blended. Second, most oat milks that you buy contain thickening agents. That’s why so many people want to make oat milk at home.

So, oat milk made at home without a blender will not be as thick as store brought or blended oat milk.


Back to the Juicer, Can You Make Oat Milk With A Juicer?

Sure. But it’s going to be a mess. Here’s how you can make oat milk with a juicer.

The first step involves taking the oats and soaking them in water. Let them soak in the fridge for a few hours. Then strain them like you would in the second method.

The second step is where you can extract more “oat milk”. What you do here is to take that wet oat mash and then place it in the juicer and press out the liquid.

In order to do this you must have a cold press juicer. You cannot use a regular juicer.

The resulting liquid that you press out of the wet oats should be added to the first oat milk container and then you will have a richer, creamier oat milk.