Before you go any further, let’s answer the question at hand. you can make lemonade with a juicer. Should you? That’s a different question.
This article is going to cover a few things. First, it will discuss how you can use a juicer to make lemonade. Then we will discuss what types of juicer you will want to use. Because there are a few different types of juicers you can use.
Then we are going to transition into a smaller section where we discuss how to make lemonade without a juicer.
And finally, I’ll link to some of my favorite lemonade recipes. It’s easy enough to make good lemonade at home so really try and do it. There’s no reason to buy a sugar laden drink from the supermarket when you can make a fresh and healthy lemonade at home.
How Can You Make Lemonade With A Juicer?
When I make lemonade, I don’t use an auger juicer. You can, but I don’t. The reason I don’t use an auger juice when I’m making lemonade is that I don’t want to have a really sour flavor.
In the past, I have made lemonade from scratch using a whole juiced lemon, skin and all. But it was a bit too lemony.
The better approach is to use a lemon juicer. Those only squeeze the lemon juice out of the lemon. I like a lemon press style myself, but you can also use a hand ream.
The main objective is to get the juice out from the lemon. The fastest and most efficient way the better.
What Type Of Juicer Can You Make Lemonade With?
Unlike when you make a juice with leafy greens or wheatgrass, lemonade can be made with a few different types of juicers.
My preference when making lemonade is to use a hand squeezer. These are best for when you only want to extract the juice from the lemon and not juice the lemon peel. While you can juice a lemon without peeling it, I would not recommend you do this if you’re planning on making classical lemonade.
Lemon essential oil is actually pretty healthy and good for you, it’s just a bit too powerful for when you make lemonade.
So my personal preference when it comes to making lemonade is the following, in this particular order:
- A Manual Citrus Lemon Squeezer
- A Hand Squeezer or Lemon Reamer
- A Auger Juicer (if I decide to juice the lemon with the skin)
Juice the Lemon or Squeeze The Lemon for Lemonade?
I prefer to just squeeze the lemon using a hand squeezer. These are easier to use than a lemon reamer, and also faster and more appropriate than a traditional juicer.
So, I’d recommend that everyone simply squeeze the lemon when you are making lemonade. I think that the juice that you get from the lemon skin is a bit too intense. It’s fine if you are making a green juice and you want to make it taste better, but for most purposes you would want to just juice the lemon flesh and not the skin.
So, simply squeeze that lemon and don’t juice it until you’re ready to make a green juice.
If you want an extra lemony lemonade, then you could take one regular lemon –make sure to use an organic lemon–and then juice it through an auger juicer.
Slicing Lemons for Lemonade?
One of the most common methods of making lemonade with a juicer is to squeeze the juice from the lemon using a citrus juicer and then mix this with sugar and water and add it to a pitcher. Then, for both the visual as well as adding a bit of extra lemon freshness, it’s typical to add lemon slices.
If you do decide to add lemon slices, make sure that you wash them with an organic soap. You don’t want to place unwashed or poorly washed lemons into the water. Lemons are sprayed with significant amounts of chemicals during the farming process.
The best way to wash lemons is to gently rinse them, then scrub them with soap and warm water, then to finally wash them in a cold water wash. Then what I like to do is towel dry them and store them in a bowl or in the fridge.
My Go To Recipes for Lemonade
My personal favorite recipe is this one from Food Wishes. It’s a classic and one that recently came out so I recommend you try it for yourself. The key here is to soak the lemon peel in sugar and really extract the flavor of the citrus in the form of lemon oil and have it mix with the sugar.
There are also a lot of recipes online that call for the use of honey or maple syrup. Honestly, I am not a big fan of any of these.
The problem with using an alternative to plain sugar when you are making lemonade is that these alternatives have a strong flavor. Honey and Maple Syrup will dominate the lemon flavor. It will turn the drink into a honey lemonade, or a maple syrup flavored lemon drink.
I’d simply recommend that you use regular cane sugar. You can opt for an organic cane suger if you like. These are better for your health. Also, you could try a coconut sugar or a date sugar if you are looking for an alternative to something like cane sugar.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!