Can You Juice Strawberries?

There are a lot of things you can juice, but can you juice strawberries? Or are berries, including strawberry’s, not something you should consider juicing? Let’s read on and see if it’s possible.


Can You Juice Strawberries Or Should You Blend Them?

Even though this is a juicing site, I suggest that you do not juice strawberries. Even though you can juice strawberries, the result won’t be that appealing. It’s not that strawberries are as difficult to juice a bananas. But they are pretty difficult. That’s because most berries are hard to juice. That said, you can juice strawberries and other berries. And I’ll give you a few of my tips.

As I mention in my article on juicing bananas, some things are easier to juice than others. Celery and Apples, for instance, are much easier to juice than berries. However, if you do want to juice berries, then there’s a trick: don’t use a juicer

Odd right? But not really. While some health gurus online might have these crazy ideas and videos about how you can use a blender to juice, I am not a fan. In fact, I wrote a whole article that goes into the details of weather or not you can juice with a blender.

But for this purpose, a blender or food processor is actually something you can use. That’s because the texture of strawberries are not ideal to juicing.

What I suggest you do is blend up strawberries when they are at their ripest. You don’t want to blend or process in a food processor any berries that aren’t super juicy. A blender or a food processor is not designed to extract juice from your fruit. If you put in unripe strawberries you are not going to get juice. You are only going to get chunky pieces or fruit. So make sure you blend up ripe strawberries!

The next step is to get the juice from your puree. What you need is a fine mesh sleeve. Some people will use cheesecloth, but I find that that’s a bit messy. So, I think it’s fine to use a mesh screen strainer. Place it over a bowl and pour in the strawberry puree. Then use a spoon to press the strawberry puree through the mesh strainer.

You will be left with a  liquid from the puree. If you’re looking to get a really clear juice, then you can let it sit in a jar and then the solids will settle at the bottom. Then you will be able to pour out the pure liquid. However, that’s a bit messy, so unless you really don’t like any sort of pulp at all, I suggest just going with a regular strained strawberry juice.

Health Benefits of Juicing Strawberries

Strawberries have so many health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, and they are also very nutritious. While I could list a whole lot of health benefits, I want to focus on one particular one for now, namely the ability of strawberries to help with your heart.

This study has covered the alleged health benefit of strawberries and how they will aid in preventing and decreasing atherosclerosis. So, if you’re someone who is concerned about your heart health, then this is a perfect item to include in your diet. And eating a lot of strawberries can be tough because of the fiber content. So, what you might want to do is include a nice strawberry juice into your diet.

Also, strawberry juice is a nice liquid to use when making a light and refreshing summer drink. It is much healthier than lemonade or ice tea. So, for example, you might want to take a freshly made strawberry juice and mix it with some ice water and add a mint leaf for some added flavor.

  • Strawberries Have Cancer Fighting Properties
  • Strawberry Juice and Puree Can Help Lower Blood Pressure
  • The Fiber and Healthy Minerals Help Blood Sugar


Should You Blend Strawberries Instead

So, the question now is if you should blend strawberries instead of juicing them. And if you are going to blend them, what type of blender works best?

Like I said earlier, I don’t  recommend that you use a blender to make any sort of juice. Unfortunately blenders are not meant to juice. However, if you are looking to get strawberry juice, you really have no other option. Strawberries can’t be juiced, but they can be blended

And the good thing is that you can use any blender you want. Unlike things such as leafy greens (which are a factor when juicing leafy greens for green drinks) strawberries do not require high powered juicers or blenders. So, that single serve blender you have is going to work fine. You don’t need a powerful Ninja or Vitamix.

The most important part of the task is to make sure you strain it properly.

In this way you get the most our out of your berry mix.