Can You Juice A Mango

It’s not the usual fruit choice, but eventually if you are juicing long enough, you’re going to want to know if you can juice a mango.

Or is this a fruit that’s best left on the cutting board for fruit plates and smoothies.

Let’s dive in and examine the issue.

Can You Juice a Mango with a Regular

can you juice a mango

Odds are, if you are like me, then you’ve always wanted to make the best tasting juices possible. While things like kale and spinach and carrrots and other hard vegetables are good for you…they don’t always taste that great.

That’s why I always advocate for adding things like apples, organic lemons, and other more pleasant tasting fruit and vegetables.

And one of the nicest fruits is a tropical mango. It’s a sweet, yet refreshing fruit that most people love.  The issue is that it’s a soft fruit.

When you look at the different types of fruits that exist, some are hard (apples) some are soft (berries). Some are in-between (lemons and citrus fruits).

The hardest types of fruits to juice are the soft fleshed fruits like berries, bananas, and yes…mangos.

However, you can juice a mango if you want to. The main thing I would suggest is that you do not discaard of the pulp. It’s going to be mushy and have more nutrients left in it that regular juicer pulp. So it would be a waste to throw it out. What I would suggest is that you save the mango pulp and then add that mango pulp to something like oats, or a smoothie, or you can even cook with it.

And yes, you can juice a regular mango. Just make sure that it’s ripe. You might not want it to get overripe, or even try and juice it when it’s less than ripe. Sometimes people do use underripe mangos, but the risk here is that you’re just not going to be able to extract sufficent juice from the fruit.

Do You Have to  Peel a  Mango Before  Juicing

can you juice a mango

Yes. You shouldn’t try to juice a mango without peeling it. The skin of the mango isn’t fit to juice. Think of it in a similar way as you would pineapple. These are both fruits that have most of their nutrietns in the flesh.

Unlike apples, lemons, grapes, and other fruit…you should not juice the peel of a mango. It’s actually going to gunk up your juicer. That’s why most people like to slice a mango and then cut out the sections like in the above photo. This also makes it easier for the juicer to process.

Of course, if you don’t want to juice a fresh mango, and don’t feel like going through the whole process of peeling it and tearing it up, then what you could do is buy frozen mango. That way you avoid the process of peeling it. However, you have to prep it accordingly, which I’ll detail a little lower down.


What Are Some  Health  Benefits  of Mango  Juice

can you juice a mango

Mango’s have a lot of intersting health benefits. In fact, the mango is one of the most prominent ingredients in Indian cusine and much of that is due to how healthy it is. In fact the ancient Indian health system known as Ayurveda has mango featured prominently in it.

While mangos are great for your eyes because of their rich caretenoid content, they are also rich in other ingredients that make them great for other things such as digestion.

And that’s what I would like to highlight here. Mango’s and mango juice are an excellent way to get your gut under control.

If you are someone who has had issues with an upset stomach, then adding mangos to your diet might be the way to go.

Studies have shown that eating mangos (or drinking in this case) can be very benefical to the gut.

What I would suggest is that if you’re looking for a good juice to settle your stomach, then adding things like Mango is perfect.

I know that quite a lot of people like to use ginger to settle their stomach, but stranglely there are quite a few people who have the opposite reaction when they injest ginger.

So, a mango juice is a perfect drink for people who might feel that something such as an apple and greens drink is too strong.

It’s a great way to get a sweet drink with healthy gut nutrients that can settle your stomach.

You can then take the mango pulp and save it and then add it to yogurt. The yogurt is another food that is perfect for promoting healthy gut bacteria.

And if you juice a mango, you can add mango pulp to the yogurt and make it a healthy mango yogurt. It’s much better for you than most reqular mango yogurts that are loaded up with sugar.



Is Blending A Mango Better Than Juicing It?

can you juice a mango

Often times peope want to know wheather or not they should blend a particular fruit as opposed to juicing it. Berries, for example, are a common fruit that people tend to want to blend.

My thoughts on mago’s is that it’s somewhat similar to berries and other soft fruit. If you are lookking to juice them, you can (in fact, it is easier to juice a mango than to juice berries).

However, you can also blend them in a blender and make a mango smoothie.

Also, if you do want to use your blender, you can make a mango puree or a frozen mango dessert that is like a mango ice cream.

The Omega juciers, for instance, have a option that you can use that enables you to take mangos, berries, or bananas and puree them into a custard or frozen ice cream sorbet style dessert. It’s perfect for making a sugar free desset.

What Are The Tricks To Juicing A Mango?

tricks to juice mango


Here are my essential, go to tricks for juicing mangos:

  1. Peel Your Mango
  2. Cut Into Small Sections (larger ones will clog the juicer)
  3. Go Slow

That’s it. There are no other special secrets available. If you follow these rules, you will have a delicious mango juice you can drink.

Remember, I suggest that you always save the pulp when you are jucing a soft fleshed fruit. There is still a lot of nutrients left in the fruit pulp, and it’s easy to use it in something like a oatmeal dish or a flavorfull stew.



If Mango’s Are So Tough To  Juice, What Is Mango Juice You See In Stores?

can you juice a mango

It’s odd to see so much mango juice for sale in sueprmarkets if it’s so hard to juice, don’t you think?

Well, the reason you see so many fruit flaored juices with mango is because they’re not really mango juice. In most cases they are mango flavored.

It’s not the same thing as fershly juiced mango. It’s most likely a common base juice such as apple or pineapple with mango puree added. That’s what most of the big companies are doing.

Not to mention that these juices are basically dead. What do I mean when I say a dead juice? I mean that all of the enzymes are gone and most of the nutrients are gone as well.

You might see a smoothie with mango, but again, I stress that you should only drink fresh smoothies. There have been serious health problems associated with buying store brought smoothies. Cases of listeria and other illnesses.

The final result is that if you’re looking to get mango juice, you are going to have to juice it yourself.