This blog is going to cover one thing: juicers that are best suited for vegans.
It’s a bit of a narrow focus, but there is quite a bit of overlap. You see, in the juicing world, there are a lot of people who are vegetarians or vegans, and therefore a lot of people who come here are going to fall into that category.
Now, you might wonder if it’s necessary to buy a particular juicer if you’re a vegan as opposed to a meat eater or vegetarian. Good question. That’s something that I am going to address for you shortly. Because there actually are some good reasons to choose one juicer vs another if you’re following a vegan diet.
Why Would A Vegan Need a Special Juicer?
Juicers can be used for a whole lot of things besides making juice. It’s not only for making fresh carrot juice or leafy green juice, but it can be used to make things like nut butters and fruit purees.
In general, what I would say is that a vegan would be able to utilize a full function auger juicer to make a number of things that are staples to their diet:
Nut Butters (almond butter, cashew butter, walnut butter, etc…)
Fruit Puree (these are like natural jams)
Frozen “Nice” Creams (made using berries or bananas).
These are the main three uses that vegans would find most helpful. And they are things that a good juicer will be able to do.
Below, we will go over how vegans use juicers, and how this will help determine how the
Besides Juice: How Vegans Use Juicers
The main way that vegans use juicers is to make juice. Like everyone else. So it’s important to make sure that you’re getting the best juicer on the market for raw fruits and vegetables.
The basic advice that I give is to get a masticating juicer and stick to one of the well know brands: Omega, GreenStar, etc…
Those brands make the best juicers for all people. You don’t see them for sale in big box stores that much, but they are easy to get online.
The cheaper brands (like the ones you see hawked at the BJs and Costco’s) are normally cheaper because they are less well designed. Most are not even auger juicers, and the ones that are, tend to be the lower end models that break down after a short while.
So, most vegans are like all other people in that they use their juicers to make juice.
Before we go any further, I’d like to add that many vegans do tend to make more leafy green juice than your average person. It’s in line with their love of all things green (salads, vegetable based entrees and just plant based foods in general). So while it’s standard to say that vegans need a good juicer, it’s important to focus on a juicer that can handle leafy greens.
Aside from making juicer, vegan’s use juicers in a number of interesting ways. They can use auger juicers to do the following:
- Make Vegan “Nice Cream”
- Make Healthy Fruit Sorbets
- Homemade Organic Nut Butters
- Nut Milks
All of the above are easy to do with juicers such as the Omega Juicer and Greenstar Twin Auger Juicer. Those juicers feature a press design.
It’s that press feature which turns normal juicers into multi-purpose powerhouses that are capable of handling things such as nut milk, nut butters, and fruit purees.
Which Juicers Are Best for Vegans
This list provides a quick shortcut to what I consider the best juicer for vegans:
Each of the juicers listed above combine the important aspects of an auger design, and a strong brand so that you know you’re getting a quality product.
As a general rule, whenever I recommend someone buy an auger juicer, it’s my advice that they buy it online. I like to recommend Amazon, because you save a lot on shipping, you have a good selection, and if you run into any difficulty, the customer service is great.
You’re not going to find a lot of these juicers are your local store, and if you did they would certainly cost a lot more money.
If you’re a vegan, and you plan on using a juicer to make things like Nut butters, nut milks, pureed fruit sorbets, and vegan ice creams, then I highly recommend that you get one of these juicers.
What Juice is Good for Vegans?
Any juice that is rich in nutrient’s is good for a vegan. Again, it’s not a case of a particular juice combo being superior than others. Vegans in particular are more prone to be lacking in B12, for instance, but that’s not really something you get from juice. That’s something you should supplement with (or buy kelp).
I would not try and get algae oil from a juicer. Just get a high quality source of algae oil pills and taken them with your juice if need be.
The best juice for vegans is going to be a juice that you can drink often. So, one that is balanced with fruits and vegetables. Avoid pure fruit juices since you don’t want to have them too often.
What Juices Are Vegan?
I am going to throw this last topic in here even though most of my long time readers will already know the answer.
The answer is that all juices are vegan. Unless you are juicing dairy products, which I’ve never heard of.
The only time something might be borderline questionable is if you are adding honey to your juice.
Now, you can’t juice honey…but some people might be tempted to add it to their juice as a sweetener. I am more inclined to add Maple Syrup (which is vegan) to my juices but that’s because maple syrup is easier to stir into a juice than honey.
In any event, you’d not run honey through a juicer because it would be to messy.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!