You can’t just buy any juicer for a small kitchen. You have to consider things like counterspace, storage room, and also ease of use. The best juicer for small kitchens is going to be a very particular model.
So, what do most people end up doing? They end up buying a juicer online that is a best seller and then they get home and find that it’s simply too big.
What we will go though here is a big review of small juicers.
I wanted to single out and focus on only those juicers that are best for small kitchens.
The result will be that you’ll end up buying a juicer that you can not only fit in your kitchen, but also something that you will be able to use as much as you want.
Believe me, I’ve dealt with the problems of struggling with a juicer that’s too big for a small kitchen. So I decided to take the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years and help you out.
Who is this guide for? Anyone who has a Small Kitchen!
✔ You live in a Studio
✔ You share an Apartment with Roomates
✔ You live in a Dorm?
✔ You have a small apartment
Basically, anyone who has a small kitchen, or limited use of their kitchen, I’ve got you covered.
Table of Contents
Quick Note:
I’ve omitted some really great juicers because they are simply too big for small kitchens. If you are looking for a good juicer, and a small kitchen is not a concern, then I have a good list right here for you to check out.
The Basic Best Juicer for a Small Kitchen
The Kuvings Whole Slow Press Wide Mouth Juicer
My first choice for people who have small kitchens but want the best juicer available is the Kuvings whole juicer. It’s a top of the line juicer with everything you could want.
Whenever I review juicers, you will notice that I focus on a few things.
- Brand
- Ease of Use
- Ability to handle leafy greens
This juicer does all of the three things mentioned above and handels them amazingly well.
Often times you will see me reccomend the Omega 8006. Those are great juicers, but they are not really that good for people with small kitchens. In fact, I covered some of this in my review of the Omega 8006 vs 8008. Both great juicers, both a bit too big for small kitchens.
But that’s not the case with this juicer. It’s a titan of a machine. It can do anything you need it to do. Be that juice leafy greens, make almond butter, make frozen fruit purees, or just make regular apple juice.
It’s got some unique design features in it as well that make it an all around great juicer. In fact, some people who have really spacious kitchens might like this as well. It’s not just for small kitchens, but it is a great choice.
The highlights of this juicer are the wide mouth (which means less cutting of fruits and vegetables beforehand), the drip cap (a huge win…this is a design feature that I love) and the slow press cold motor design.
The Tall Guy: Best Juicer For A Small Kitchen – Omega Vertical Model
Omega vrt350
This model of juicer is made by Omega. And that’s the number one reason that I’ve listed here as the best option for people looking for a vertical juicer for a small kitchen.
There are a lot of other brands that are for sale, some of them include: Aobosi or Sagnart. But frankly, I can’t in good conscientious recommend those juicers. Especially when you have an Omega brand.
First, I have been using Omega juicers for years. They just make a better product than most of the competition. There is not debate.
This is especially true when you compare them to a brand that has no name recognition or is made by some random Chinease company and drop shipped.
Omega is like buying a Swiss watch or a German sports car. You’re getting quality that is designed, made, and sold by people who take pride in their work.
Simply put, Omega is not anonymous sweatshop made product like so much of the off brand junk you see for sale.
Here’s my list of the pros and cons of this vertical model:
Click Here To View on Amazon
The Budget Option: Best Small Juicer For The Money aka Cheap
Aeitto Slow Juicer- With Wide Mouth
So the reason that I included this juicer on the list is to prove you can get a decent masticating juicer without spending a ton of money. It’s not expensive and therefore I think that it makes a good option for people who are more conservative with what they’re looking to spend.
But, this juicer does get the job done when it comes to most things. It’s a masticating juicer, which means you get cold pressed juice. It handles greens, and it’s also great at juicing fruits.
The Small Guy: Best Juicer for a Small Kitchen – Compact Model
The Dash
The Dash masticating juicer is one of the best selling juciers on Amazon and for good reason. It’s got a small size, yet it is a cold press juicer.
Plus, it’s a steal. It’s one of the cheapest juicers that you can find for the money. Plus, it’s got some unique attachments that come in handy should you want to make a frozen fruit smoothie and you don’t have a blender.
This blender actually has it’s own seperate attachment for frozen fruit smoothies. If you recall, I wrote an article that discussed if you can make smoothies with a juicer or not. And the Dash is one of the juicers that will allow you to.
The compact size of this juicer makes it perfect for small kitchens and tight spaces. Once it’s cleaned up, you can store it in an overhead cabinet if you happen to have a small one that normally doesn’t have room for large kitchen appliances.
Also, if you want to keep it out on your kitchen table, it’s got a small footprint and it also comes in a bunch of designer colors.
The Portable Option: Best Juicer for A Roomate Situation
As a rule I’m not a big fan of portable juicers or portable blenders. It’s better to simply have keep them in your kitchen space.
However, I understand that you can’t always do that. There are times when you can’t keep a juicer in one place for whatever reason.
A common one would be you might want to travel for an extended time (maybe business, maybe you’re relocating for work for a few months) and you want to bring a blender.
Another reason might be that you share an apartment with roomates and you can’t leave it in the kitchen since that’s shared space and maybe your roomates object.
So, for those reasons, sometimes you will want a juicer that is portable.
You’re going to have to eliminate all of the big models, even though most of them are the ones that I’d normally reccomend. An omega, hurom, and tribest simply is not small enough to warrent calling itself a portable juicer.
So, I searched around online and wanted to see which juicers were legitimately portable. Suprisingly many are not. Quite a few that advertise themselves as portable juicers are simply small juicers.
It’s got a slim design, the juice containers are slim, in fact the entire profile is small.
It’s not battery powered, so you will need access to an electrical outlet. Be careful with any juicer that claims to be battery powered. They likely are not, and if they are, they are going to be too weak to juice anything.
The Studio Model: Best Small Juicer For Studio Apartment Living
So here’s where we come to one of the more expensive juicers, but I’m still going to suggest you take a look at it. If you live in a studio, odds are you have the place to yourself.
That’s good because that means you don’t have to worry about roomates complaining about a juicer sitting out. And if you’re in that studio and want to make juice, I don’t like the idea of having to put a juicer away each time once you’re done.
So get a juicer that looks good! And this Hurom looks really stylish.
Obviously that’s not the reason to buy a juicer, but it sure helps!
The real reason that I like this juicer is that it’s so powerful and also looks great. I don’t like the idea of having to hide away a juicer every time you’re finished using it. It can become too much of a bother.
So, I like the Omega and Kuving and Hurom models that look great. Something that looks like it would be a set piece in a photo spread for a home decoriating magazine.
I like the black color on this juicer, but you can also get metal colored one.
The College Edition: Best Juicer For College Students
One of the most important things to consider when buying a juicer for college students is to understand that you want to get an easy to clean juicer.
I have a whole article that covers easy to clean juicers and my personal experience with them. But I wanted to include a small space requirement here.
Because it’s not just that a college student will need something that is also small in size. Anytime you’re in a dorm room or sharing suite space, you need to be considerate about the size of your appliances.
However, I do think it’s still a good idea to get a quality juicer. Kids are not goign to be the most concentious about keeping the juicer clean and therefore you need one that is easy to clean. And that’s just what this Hurom is
All things considered, this is my favoriate pick for a college student. I’ve actually updated an older article (Best Juicer for College Dorm) I wrote some years ago that covered college students and space consideraiotns to include this one.
Best Small Juicer That’s Not A Juicer- The Nutribullet
That’s right. Sometimes you might actually not want a juicer but really want a blender. I know, if you’ve landed here on my website, odds are that you’ve been searching for juicing.
And I am a proponent for juices and juicing, but in some instances blenders and blending can actually be what you are looking for.
If you have a small kitchen, and you have decided that you’re more keen on making smoothies, then a good option for you would be this nutribullet blender.
It’s the blender that I reccomend to people who are considering an entry level blender for a small kitchen. It’s not as big or expensive as the well known Vitamix, but it handles the task of making green smoothies very well.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!