Not everyone needs a juicer for a whole family, or a restaurant. Sometimes a juicer is just needed for a single person. In fact, that’s the majority of the market. Most people who purchase juicers are going to be using them primarily as a single person.
So, are there special considerations that you need to take into account if you’re a single person and you want to buy a juicer? Sure. And we’ll cover them below.
But the first thing I want to cover is that there is sometimes a better juicer design for a single person as compared to someone who is making large amounts of juice for multiple people.
This article is going to feature only the best juicers for single people, and also discuss the differences between what a single person looks for in a juicer and what someone else might want.
What Type of Juicing Are You Planning On?
The first question you need to answer is what type of juicing are you planning on doing? The type of juices that you want to make will help determine what sort of juicer you want to get.
There are various types of juices and special juicer machines that cater to each. For instance, I would begin by looking at the following breakdown:
- Citrus and Lemon Juicing
- Apple Juicing
- Green Juices
- Wheatgrass Juicing
- Fruit Juicing
Those are the main types of juicing styles that you can do. Sometimes there is overlap between the different types of juices and the juicers that will accomplish this.
For instance, if you are planning on making wheatgrass juice, then the same juicer can also handle leafy greens.
But if you’re primarily interested in making lemon juice and other fresh citrus juicers, then you would most likely get a juicer that cannot juice that handle leafy greens or wheatgrass.
Regular citrus juicers can’t juice greens, apples, or most other things. Which isn’t a problem if you’re only interested in juicing citrus.
In fact, depending on how much kitchen space you have I sometimes recommend that people get a good lemon juicer to add to their kitchen. They don’t take up much space and you can have it on hand to juice fresh lemon or orange juice for a drink or food adding to food.
Also, if you are only looking to get wheatgrass juice, then they do sell hand cranked wheatgrass juicers. However, I would avoid this because they can’t juice a wide variety of other things. They have their place in certain situations, but for the single person who needs a good juicer there are better choices.
Here then, are my options:
The Best All Around Juicer for a Single Person
This juicer can handle juicing just about everything. The only thing I would add is that if you want that traditional citrus juicer, please make sure to get a hand pressed juicer. You don’t need a fancy electric juicer for lemons.
But if you want to make green juices, carrot or apple juices, or if you want to juice the skin of citrus fruits to get the healthy essential oils, then these are essential. As I covered in an older article, you can juice a whole lemon with the peel as long as you have the right juicer.
Also, unlike the hand pressed lemon juicer, you can juice lemon skins with this juicer. The auger design makes it so that the juice can be extracted.
Best All Around Juicer for a Single Person
Single Doesn’t Mean Small
One thing that many single people think is that they need a small juicer. But this isn’t true. Unless you live with roommates, or are in a tiny apartment that doesn’t have much kitchen space at all, then you should really get a full size juicer.
There are benefits to using a larger juicer that I think would be helpful for most people.
There are some excellent small juicers. And if you do need a small juicer because of space, then that’s perfectly fine. However, if you’re not space restricted, then I would always suggest getting a full size juicer.
There is simply more that can be done with a full size juicer. For instance, should you ever want to make fruit purees, or nut butters, those are things that you can easily do with normal full sized juicers but are difficult to do (and maybe sometimes impossible) to handle with smaller juicers.
Single Person With Roommates: Special Considerations
If you are a single person who lives with roommates, then you do have to take them into consideration.
Ideally, they would be people who are also interested in juicing and so you could share the juicer (and maybe split the cost!).
However, if they have no interest in health or juicing, or perhaps they just want to keep everything strictly business, then you are going to want to take them into account.
So, you will likely want to get a smaller juicer (you can still get a full size one as long as you get one that’s easy to clean and doesn’t take up much space.) But most importantly you will want to make sure you are getting a quiet juicer.
I suggest the following juicers if you happen to have roommates and need to keep your juicer in a small space and also want one that’s quiet.
Quiet and Small Juicer for Single People with Roommates
This would be your best choice for a juicer if you need to be considerate of other peoples space and quiet in your home. While I prefer the larger Omega, this does the job and if you need to conserve space and want a quiet juicer, there’s really no better option.
It’s an auger juicer, which most smaller juicers aren’t. And that auger juicer makes it much quieter than other smaller juicers.
Quiet Small Auger Juicer–Check Out on Amazon
Buying a Juicer for Yourself?
Remember, if you’re a single person and you are buying a juicer it’s important to buy it for your own needs. Don’t get something just because it looks trendy or can juice wheatgrass if you have no interest in juicing wheatgrass.
Think of the type of juice you are going to be making. Perhaps you have a favorite juice that you buy when you go to juice bars or whole food stores. Or maybe you’re planning a new years cleanse and want to get started on a healthy life.
The choice of juicer is a very personal one and you shouldn’t get one that’s stylish to other people or that will do something you have no interested in juicing. Remember, buy a juicer for your own health and make sure you use it. Don’t just get it as an adornment for your kitchen.
Special Considerations For Single People Who Buy Juicers
Let’s pause for a moment and discuss any special consideratiosn for people who are looking to buy a juicer and happen to live alone.
If you’re someone who doesn’t have roomates who want to share the juicer, or if you’re just living by yourself and will only use the juicer for makinng single serve juices, then yeah you’re going to want to consider a few things.
First, the quality of the juicer doesn’t matter. A good top of the line juicer is not like a blender. Blenders have larger or smaller blending jars. That’s why some single people buy bullet blenders. They don’t need a huge vitaminx.
But that’s not the case with a juicer. A Omega juicer will make the same single serving that a tiny cheap juicer will make. The only difference is that an Omega will make a better juice without the same heat damage or the noise.
The main thing to consider is space. A lot of single people live in a smaller apartment or studio. It is the only thing that I think is worth considering when it comes time to buy a juicer.
Because, you don’t want to buy a super small juicer. I’ve not even seen any good ones. There are good small bledners, but they just can’t make a good small juicer because you are dealing with a motor and an auger.
So stick to these juciers:
Best Option ($$$) Omega Vertical Juicer
The first one that I list is a better juicer. It’s what I reccomend if you’re tight on space but serious about juicing. It’s a solid juicer and you won’t run into any issues like you will with cheaper models and brands.
If you don’t want to be someone who needs to worry about the device not performing up to the hype, then stick with an Omega. I don’t like to suggest you go with an off brand or some lower model unless you’re really tight on money.

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!