Not everyone is an expert at juicing. Some people are just looking for the best juicer for beginners, since that is what they are.
There’s no shame in searching for a juicer that is perfect for beginners who have never owned a juicer before.
And that’s what I’ve set out to compile here, a list of the best juicers for beginners.
Febuary 2024 Update:
In the last few years there has been an explosion in the number of companies that are making cold press juicers. While that doesn’t seem like a problem at first glance, the truth is that it is not ideal for people looking for a really good juicer.
Sure, there are a ton of cheap juicers, but half of them don’t work after a few weeks. The average person gives up on juicing and it’s just a fad.
If you’re someone who is serious and wants to get healthy, and you aere a beginner, then I suggest getting a well known brand.
Here’s my top picks. They are all good juicers for beginners because they are easy to use and not expensive.
The Omega Cold Press Juicer (The Omega Juicer is the original, the most well reviewed, and still the best all around juicer)
The Ninja Juicer (The company that makes amazing blenders now makes awesome juicers, and very affordable)
Don’t Start Your Juicing Adventure With The Wrong Juicer!
If you’re someone who is just starting out on the path towards juicing fresh greens and fruits, then you probably are looking for a juicer that is designed for a beginner. What is right for the seasoned juicer isn’t necessarily right for the first time juicer. What may surprise you is that there are lots of different types of juicers.
Some juicers are really advanced and designed for people who have been juicing for years and are a bit more complicated to work than other juicer. Other juicers are designed only for wheatgrass or citrus. Then comes the whole issue of whether or not you should get a auger (masticating) juicer Hint: Definitely get an auger juicer.
What Are My Criteria For A Juicer That Is Perfect For Beginners?
How did I come up with my selections of juicers for beginners? Simple, I set out looking at what I consider to be the most important things to have in a juicer, and then made sure to eliminate some of the more expensive and complicated juicers.
It’s important that the juicer be easy, durable, and affordable (I don’t like to say cheap since that conjures up the image of a fragile piece of junk).
With that in mind I wrote up a primer on how to go about choosing the best juicer for beginners. The juicers listed here all have a few things in common.
Simple To Use
First, the juicers are simple to operate. You will be able to get them set up and juicing within movements. As soon as you take them out of the box you can set up the juicer and get started making fresh juices.
Second, I only selected juicers that are quiet. A big pet peeve of mine are loud juicers. There is absolutely no reason a juicer should sound like a chainsaw. There are some really terrible sounding juicers on the market. Years ago it was all you could get. However, there are many juicers now that are not loud.
An Auger Style Press
Third, the juicers have to have a masticating style auger press. These juicers squeeze the juice out of the fresh fruits and vegetables. They don’t chop them up into little bits like the old style. An easy way to tell if the juicer does this is to see if it is labeled centrifugal. If the juicer is labeled centrifugal, then it chops up everything with tiny little blades. I recommend staying away from these juicers because they are loud, can destroy vital enzymes in the juice, and create heat. So, stick with an auger juicer.
Finally, the juicers should encourage you to juice by being “Easy”. What does “Easy” mean? Well, first, they should be simple to put together and then take apart and clean. You can get self cleaning models, but they can be more expensive, so I also listed the best juicers that are easy to clean and are not self cleaning.
The Omega juicer that I use, for instant, is not self cleaning, but it is so simple to clean that it’s no problem. It doesn’t even take a minute to clean the parts under running water. Also, I do like the idea of a wide mouth juicer for people who are new to juicing.
Cutting up celery, apples, and kale before you juice does add prep time to the whole process. If you don’t mind the prep time, then I would suggest the Omega. It’s my gold standard, best juicer…but you do have to do some prep work by cutting up fruits and veggies.
If you don’t want to do any prep, or minimal, then I would suggest the wide mouth juicers. They really speed up the process.
Now that you understand what the rubric is, let’s take a look at all of the juicers individually.
Best Juicer For Beginners #2 The Omega
This is the juicer I use, and it’s also the most popular masticating Juicer on Amazon. There’s a good reason for that. It’s extremely reliable, simple to use, easy to clean, quiet, and slow and powerful. The only things it has missing is that it doesn’t have a wide feed chute and it is not a vertical (stand up) mode. With all that said, I recommend this to anyone who is new to juicing that is planning on making juices every day or even several times a week. Let’s go over some of the benefits.
- Quiet: The machine is quiet. I use to use an old, loud juicer and it just got me crazy how loud the thing was. The Omega is an awesome change from the loud motors of other juicers.
- Slow: It turns at 80 RPM. That’s very slow! In fact you might find yourself trying to speed up the juicer by forcing more celery or apples down into the auger…but don’t. You WANT A SLOW crush. The slow crush means that there is less heat and less oxaditive damage. You want as much undamaged nutrients and enzymes in your juice as you can get.
- No Pulp: This juicer has an awesome pulp separation device. It prevents your juice from being being pulpy, or even too foamy. You get pure green juice. The machine does come with a little screen that you can use to catch even the little bits of foam, but I don’t mind foam so I don’t use it. The main thing I want is juice that is pulp free, which this does an excellent job at.
- Dual Stage Juicer: It extracts juice by crushing then squeezing. This means that you get every last bit of juice. The pulp is bone dry when it comes out of the machine. This means no waste.
- Lots Of Extra’s: You can also make sorbet, pastas, nut butters, etc… Very fun and extra value. The attachments snap on really easily.
I highly recommend this juicer for beginners who don’t mind the small amount of prep work (cutting fruits and veggies). Once you see how easy it is you’ll be juicing everyday.
You can read more reviews from people who have been using the Omega over at Amazon.
Kuvings Slow Press Strainer- Easy To Clean and Strong Motor
If you were to ask me which juicer I’d buy if I was buying another juicer (I already own an Omega juicer) than I would tell you that I would get a Kuvings. Honestly, it’s one of the more interesting designs in the slow press auger juicer market.
The reason that I like this juicer and would consider buying it if I was buying another juicer (and the reason I am recommend it to beginner juicers) is that it’s an easy to use juicer. And that is a huge benefit when it comes to a first time juicer. The number one enemy of first time juicers is going to be procrastination. Numerous studies studies have been done which show that putting off tasks (aka procrastination) is a major problem.
The wide mouth design is the key design feature of this juicer that I like so much. It’s the main reason that I recommend that beginners give this juicer serious thought. It cuts down on the amount of time needed for you to juice. When you remove the added minutes needed to slice fruit and vegetables and chop them up. The marketing geeks call this a “time saver” it’s actually their advertising copy. But I just call it a wide mouth!
Secondly, it’s a slow juicer and it’s durable. Those are two strong reasons to buy this juicer.
As a beginner who is looking to juice for the first time, the main thing you will want is a juicer that is strong, easy to use, easy to clean, and has a good warranty. These blenders won’t fail you right out of the box like some of the off brand juicers that are made over in some warehouse in China that makes 6 different types of juciers and slaps 6 different brand names on it (this is known as white label brands, and it’s a common problem with cheap store brand items).
Kuvings are made in Korea and they are excellent products.
Closing Thoughts For Picking A Juicer As A Beginner
If I had only a few things to tell a person new to juicing, it would be this. Pick out a quality machine. If you’re not able to spend a few hundred dollars right now…then wait until you can. Don’t buy some cheap machine that will break in a few months. Buy quality, and you will have a juicer that will last for years and will be worth the investment. It will be a better way to spend your money and will actually save you money in the long run.
It’s the same idea that you see on websites designed for thrifty people and on Reddit forums like Buyitforlife.
So, pick a reliable brand. I’ve chosen a few for you to review and look at. Then, and this is the most important part of the entire article and if you only take one thing and run with it…it’s this. Use your juicer. Do not use your juicer as a decoration for your kitchen. Go out and buy healthy fruits and vegetables and then juice them into a fresh juice and drink it that day!
Studies on Procrastination and Health
- Procrastination and Health results
- Procrastination and excercise

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!