Dieting is a super complicated subject, but one thing everyone agrees upon is that lowering your calories helps you lose weight. Therefore, the best juice for weight loss in the morning is going to be one that is low in calories and also prevents hunger.
There is endless talk online about what the right diet and how to effectively lose weight.
While there are pros and cons to many differetn approaches, my focus here is on juicing and how that can be a great way to lose weight.
However, just drinking juice is not going to help you lose weight. In fact, you’re going to have to specifically design a proper schedule so as to maximize the benefit of drinking the juice.
In brief, this article will cover the best juice for morning weight loss.
- What To Put In That Juice
- When To Drink A “Morning” Juice (hint, it doesn’t have to be in the morning)
- What to avoid juicing in your morning weight loss drink.
Why Vegetables Make The Best Juice For Weight Loss in the Morning
So, the basic reason that the best juice for weight loss is going to consist of vegetables is due to fiber and sugar. All juice will have sugar in it, but vegetable juices will have less. That’s the main reason you should stick to drinking vegetable juices, if not pure leafy greens.
Leafy greens actually would be my pick for the best juice for weight loss because they fill you up and boost your metabolism.
You can add a little fruit, say a lemon or an apple, but you don’t want to go overboard and add tons of fruit and make a pure apple and pineapple juice, for instance.
Add Some Leafy Greens For Fiber
One thing that really helps with weight loss is the additoion of leafy greens to your morning juice. They are high in fiber and full of nutrients.
As we’ve seen before, juicing keeps all of the nutrients. I even wrote an entire article covering this entitled: Does Juicing Destroy Nutrients?
And as long as you have a proper juicer, then you can take kale, spinach, wheatgrass, or any other greens and juice them.
I’ve previously discussed this in my article: can you juice leafy greens.
The effects of drinking green juice when combined with a morning fasting protocal will be really excellent for overall metabolic results.
Lemons Help With Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Lemons are one of the best things to add for juice if you’re keen on weight loss. In fact, I’d rank lemons as the most important ingredient if not the best juice for morning weight loss.
I’ve written extensively about how to juice a lemon. In fact, my article entitled can you juice a lemon without peeling it covers some of the health benefits including weight loss.
In fact, I’ll list some of the studies below if you want to read up on them. The interesting thing about lemon juice is that it works even if you add it to water. That’s why you will see so many people who are dieting fill up a water bottle with lemons the first thing in the morning.
The reason that I suggest that you should add lemons to your morning juice is because they not only burn fat, but they are a clean taste and also help kick start your day.
When adding lemons to a green drink, you’re completely masking the flavor of the greens. This makes it a great choice for people who are not keen on the flavor of kale or spianch or other gtreens.
Celery Juice And Cucumbers Keep The Fiber Low
While I always advocate for leafy greens in my juice recipes, I also like celery and cucumbers for people who are concerned about their weight.
This is because celery and cucumbers are going to provide a super low calorie drink and also one that has very little sugar.
Cucumber is great because it provides a lof of liquid that can tame a more “Green juice” and make it something more palatable or people who are not big fans of drinking a really heavy dark juice.
The other reason that I like to suggest a cucumber based drink for weight loss is that it’s super low in calories. You can drink a large glass of this juice in the morning and it’s not going to crash your diet with too many calories.
Not only that, but there’s ample evidence that fewar calories in the morning can help with maintingin a higher metobolism througout the day. That’s one reason why people like to fast.
Cucumbers are easy enough to juice in most juicers, but celery really requires a special type of juicer. I’ve covered this before in stand alone articles. You can read one of them both if you like: One covers the best masticating juicer for celery. The other is more of a general review and discussion of what makes the best juicer for celery overall.
Why Morning Is The Best Time To Drink Juice For Weight Loss
You want to maintain a light calorie intake in the morning. While some people suggest you eat a big breakfast, they tend to not consider the current lifestyle that people are living.
Most people are not out there doing heavy manual labor or working incredibly high intensity jobs that require huge calorie loads.
And if you’re someone who is looking to lose weight, then it is going to be beneficial to reduce overall calories.
You don’t want to take a juice at night for a few reasons. First, it’s enjoyable to sit down and have a real meal. The best time to cut calories is in the morning when you are rushing around.
Many people have a fast breakfast on the go: egg wrap or egg sandwhich, a frothy coffee drink and bagel or donut, something else filled with calories. Even a bowl of oatmeal with berries.
The juice provides you a simple way to get minerals and vitamins and also helps keep your body in a fast burning mode.
My suggestion is to get a nice blender bottle or shaker or a stainless steel travel mug and bring your juice with you to the office, or if you’re working from home, have this juice after your coffee or morning tea as the first meal.
My Favoriate Morning Weight Loss Juice (Bonus recipe)
- 3 Stalks Celery
- 1 Half Cuke (peeled)
- 1 Half Organic lemon
This juice is super clean, low in calories, and has a great wake me up zing to it!
Supporting Studies
- Weight Loss from Vegetables -Peer Reviewed Study
- Lemons Help Suppress Appetite
- Lemon Juice for Detox
- Benefits of Greens on Weight Loss
- Morning Weight Loss and Energy Intake

Hi there everyone!
My names Jason (Jay for short). You can find out more about me and why I started this website here.
Stay healthy and I hope you enjoy the information!