Best Juice for Stomach Issues

You’re not alone. So many people are dealing with stomach issues.

The first thing you should do is make sure it’s not serious. So, before you try juicing or diet changes, check with your doctor. Especially if you have a family history of any illness.

Then, if you’re checked out and have spoken to a doctor and had a physical to rule out any serious issues, then it’s time to fix your diet and change things.

What I wanted to do in this article is to go over a few tips that you can use to ease stomach issues.

Now, before we jump into this, let’s first discuss whether or not juice can cause stomach issues.

It can, but juices can also help prevent and fix stomach issues.


Dealing with Stomach Pain and Gas?

Instead of continuing with endless antacids and stomach pills, perhaps the best approach would be to simply deal with the situation naturally. And by naturally I mean diet and a change with what you’re eating.

There are two major areas where you can fix your stomach and the issues you are dealing with.

First, you can reduce the foods that cause stomach pain and issues. Second, you can add juices to your diet that can help your diet.

Finally, you can take a healthy and organic probiotics. These are going to be able to settle your stomach because they are fixing the underlying problems that cause these issues.

Let’s walk through the process and see how you can correct stomach issues with diet, juicing, and probiotics.


Correcting Your Diet: Major Culprit












This section will be quick. Basically, what you want to do is remove all processed foods from your diet. You want to cut out sugars, white flours, and all other highly processed foods from your diet.

This isn’t just a good idea for people who have stomach problems, it’s a good idea for anyone who is suffering from overall tiredness and other issues.

Second, once you’ve removed the unhealthy items, try and incorporate some good things. While they may at first cause gas, they will in the long run help improve your diet.

So, eliminate:

  • Soda
  • Refined White Flour
  • Sugar
  • Pasta

In addition to the things you should remove from your diet, there are also things you should be adding to your diet. These include:

  • Yogurt
  • Sauerkraut
  • Fermented Foods



Will Juicing Help Your Stomach Issues?

cabbage juice for drinks









Alright, so will juices help your stomach issues?

Yes, juices can help you given enough time and the right juices.

At first, if you start drinking juice you might have more gas, but once you give your body a few days of drinking healthy juice and if you eliminate bad food (sugar and pasta and perhaps gluten) then you can actually improve your stomach issues.

The types of juices that you might have commonly drink won’t help. Buying orange juice from the supermarket won’t help your stomach issues.

So, what types of juicing will help your stomach issues?

Well, here’s what I would suggest:

Pineapple and a bit of Cabbage.

Yep, you read that right, cabbage.

Now, you might be wondering why I suggest you juice cabbage when it’s known to cause gas in people.

The fact is that cabbage can actually ease stomach issues, especially if eaten raw (or juiced) or if you have fermented cabbage (real sauerkraut, not that boiled stuff with vinegar).

Cabbage juice is excellent at soothing stomach issues. It’s been used as a treatment for ulcers for decades.

But don’t jump right into it. Go slowly.

My suggestion would be to use a mixture of two parts pineapple and one part organic cabbage. And only make a small glass and then sip it.

Do this for a few weeks and you should notice that you are having many fewer stomach issues.

Also, as an added benefit you will notice that you are losing weight and particularly fat.


Take Action: Follow This Pain Free Plan

cabbage juice for stomach issue







Here is what I would suggest anyone who is dealing with stomach issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea) do in order to try and fix the problem.

Cut out refined carbs: cookies, cakes, chips, soda.

Limit your bread intake and try and only eat whole grain bread.

Cut down on nuts. While they are healthy, some people have an adverse reaction to nuts.

Stop drinking: Alcohol, Chemically Flavored Drinks (the chemicals used to flavor drinks can cause stomach issues)

Stop all Diet Drinks and Low Calorie Foods: Fake sugars are known to cause stomach issues.

Be Careful About Protein Shakes: Most contain fake sugar- sucralose, and other fake sugars can cause stomach issues. If you’re going to use protein powder, get one that is pure and doesn’t have fake sugar.


Start incorporating a juice into your diet.

Here’s the main objective of this blog post. So, it make sense to circle back to this point. You should be making juices at least once a week.

And the juices you should be making should be stomach friendly. So, pick a good organic cabbage and then make a small juice with it and pineapple.

Start small, you don’t want to make 12 ounces of juice right away. Work yourself up to it.

So, I’d suggest making a small juice (half a cup) and drink that every day for a week or so. You should notice improvement. Then you can build up to drinking a whole cup.

And if you’re worried about the taste, don’t be.

If you’re curious about which juicer to get, then you can read an older article I wrote that covered just that. It’s a complete breakdown on the best juicer for beginners. 

Add a probiotic to your diet. Make sure you choose a good organic probiotic. Here’s a few that you can look at.