Best Green Juice For Runners And Joggers

kaledrinkRunners and joggers would benefit immensely from drinking fresh green juices. These juices, made from leafy greens, are packed full of nutrients that are especially helpful to runners








B12 is important in the formation of red blood cells. Runners and joggers need to have an adequate supply of red blood cells because these cells are responsible for enriching the blood with oxygen. Your body can start to become depleted of red blood cells when your under stress. This stress can be caused by exercise, as well as mental stress. Leafy greens don’t have b12. In fact, vegan often find it impossible to get b12. You can take supplemental b12 if you are a vegan. If you’re a vegetarian, then you can get your b12 from dairy sources. What you might want to do if you are a vegetarian, is consider making a blueberry smoothie using yogurt. The yogurt is a great source of both calcium and B12.




This is a very important mineral for joggers and runners. Yes, it’s important for strong bone and teeth. However, runners will find that they need it more for muscle health. A lack of calcium can lead to tight muscles. Remember, calcium is an electrolyte. Rather than buy some sugary, unhealthy “energy drink” that is loaded to the gills with artificial colors and sugars, just make a green drink. Both kale and spinach are excellent sources of calcium.


Vitamin C


Vitamin C is one of the most famous of all anti-oxidants. It helps prevent damage to your skin, tissue, and muscles. It’s important because it is used in keeping your collagen intact. Free radicals, such as car exhaust, as well as stress from exercise, cause your body to need more anti-oxidants. So runners and joggers need more vitamin C than the normal person. This is especially true if your running in a city and inhaling all that smog, car exhaust, or just the typical filth that is in the air.


Leafy greens are a great source of vitamin C. Spinach and Kale are both great sources. What I also recommend is adding an organic lemon. This helps with the taste, but it also boosts up the Vitamin C content.



Magnesium is an important mineral for joggers and runners because it helps to prevent muscle cramps. There have been lots of studies linking magnesium with better muscle health.

It’s another electrolyte, like calcium. In fact, its important that you have them in tandem. Spinach is a great source of magnesium. The combination of calcium and magnesium in spinach or kale is easily digestible in green juice.


Runners and Joggers Green Juice


This juice is not heavy, so you could have it before a run, or after.


  • 1 Handful Organic Spinach or Kale

If you’re using kale, try and get organic lacinato kale. It has less oxalic acid than red leaf or curly kale.

  • 1 Large Organic Green Apple (Granny Smith)


  • ½ An Organic Lemon

You will juice the lemon skin, which has the lemon oil and all the flavor. So make sure you get organic and wash the lemon thoroughly. Even organic produce needs to be washed.


I use an omega juicer to make all my green drinks. If you don’t have a juicer, then you can read my recommendations for the best juicer for leafy greens here.