Can I Lose Weight Just By Juicing?

If you’ve landed here, then I know what you’re looking to find out. You want to know if you can lose weight just by juicing.

Well, before we give you a yes or no answer, it’s important to understand that making fresh juice at home is a healthy lifestyle choice.

While we’re going to be discussing diet, weight loss, maybe even juice fasting, it’s very important to think healthy. That means no crash dieting, no starving, and no short cuts.

Yes, you can lose weight just by juicing. But the info that I’m going to cover is going to show you how to do it in a healthy way, how not to mess up your metabolism.

Here’s the truth. If you want to lose weight (and specifically, fat) then you can easily do so by just juicing. However, you have to do it right. If you just buy orange juice from the supermarket and drink that everyday, then you’re going to end up sick.

Let’s walk through the step by step process to have clean diet, live healthy, and lost weight with just juicing.

Losing Weight vs Losing Fat: Know the Difference

Can I Lose Weight Just By Juicing?










The first thing to get straight is that you want to lose fat, not lose weight. of course, when you lose weight, you will lose some fat. But if you are crash dieting or dieting incorrectly, then you’re also going to lose muscle.

Now, you might think: I’m not a muscle bound bodybuilder. Well, you don’t have to be. But everyone has muscles. It’s what moves your body.

More importantly for this conversation, people who are looking to lose weight want to look good. Muscle makes you tone and that makes you look good.

In order to lose weight and keep a healthy body composition (one where you maintain or build muscle) then you need to understand the different approaches to juice dieting and how to incorporate it.

Juice Fasting vs Meal Replacement Method

If you already have a decent amount of muscle, and are simply looking to shed some weight, then juice fasting might be a good way to kick off your diet. A one or two day juice fast can help reset your palate and detox from fast food and get your set for a long term healthy diet.

I’d recommend juice fasting for people who want to lose a few pounds and are already healthy.

The meal replacement method is more of a long term program. This is for people who want to lose larger amounts of weight.

The great thing about a long term juice diet is that you can do it indefinitely  as long as you do it correctly. Have 10 pounds to lose? Then do it for a month or two. Have to lose 50 pounds? Just stay on it.

The benefit to a meal replacement is that you’re not depriving yourself of food altogether. It’s a much more sustainable diet. What you are doing is swapping out one meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) of high calorie food for a low calorie nutrient dense juice.

This is the easiest way to hit your calorie goals for the day.

The popular diet advice is to set a goal of reducing you daily calories by around 500 per day to lose weight. What’s the easiest way to do that? By making a juice drink that might be 100 calories and swapping that instead of some high calorie lunch or breaks muffin that you might normally eat.

What Types of Juices Help You Lose Weight

This is a pretty easy question to answer. You will want to make a green juice, but one that tastes good.

I advise people to not try and drink straight fruit juice simply because they contain too much natural sugar and calories.

That doesn’t mean you can’t add fruits. It just means go easy on them.

So, here’s a great juice recipe. It’s low calorie, full of nutrintes, tastes great, and you could drink it 5 days a week and lose weight.

  • 1 Handful Spinach
  • 1 half lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/4 cup pineapple

here’s another juice recipe if you grow tried of making the same one:

  • 1 handful spinach
  • 1 apple
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1 carrot

Both of those juices are low in calories, and taste great. Adding things like apples, pineapple, and carrots will make the juice taste great.

Honestly, these juice’s taste better than any of the expensive “fresh” juices you will buy in the store.

And what’s’ more important is that they will have the nutrients in them. Fresh juices (in the bottle) have all been processed so heavily that they’re basically sugar water. You really should only be making your juice at home.

How Much Weight Can I Lose By Juicing?

I never like to answer these sort of questions with a actual figure. Why? Because everyone is different. There’s not a simple answer that will fit all people.

Some people who are severely overweight and fat will drop weight quickly. But, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t ever fast just with the intention of losing weight. That can be a recipe for disaster.

You should measure success by how good you feel, not necessarily the number on the scale. That number will change, but it’s more important that you diet properly and fast in a healthy manner.

What I suggest to everyone who partakes in a juice fast is to get a good scale, and take daily measurements of your weight at the same time every day. It’s important to measure your weight at the same time since you can gain or lose a couple pounds during the day due to hydration and other factors.

The main upside to fasting with juice as opposed to doing something like a water fast is that you’re going to have electrolytes. There are serious studies that focus on how electrolytes improve your fasting and prevent negative health impacts.

People who try and do a water fast have to carefully watch their electrolyte levels and take sodium, potassium, and magnesium –normally in the form of NoSalt (for potassium and sodium) regular salt (sodium) and magnesium supplements.

Which Juicer Should You Get To Lose Weight?

The big question, right? Which juicer should you get if you want to lose weight? Well, like so many other things: it depends.

If you’re planning on doing a juice fast, then you will want an Auger Juicer.

Auger juicers are superiors to centrifugal juicers, as I’ve said countless times on this blog. Simply for every single use, auger juicers are better.

Here is where I’ll cover the two main types of juicers that do work:

Auger Juicers: You’ll Need One of these for a Green Juice

The only juicer you’ll need is an auger juicer. That sounds like a big blanket statement, but it’s true. These are the juicers that can juice any fruit or vegetable that can be juicer.

With these types of juicers you can easily make fresh green juice and then use that during your juice fast: green drinks, fruit juices, wheatgrass even!


Citrus Juicer: You Should Get One For Lemon Water

I also recommend that you get a good lemon juicer. This is because you will want to add lemon juice to your water throughout the day, and sometimes you might not want to juice a whole lemon. Sometimes it’s easier to just slice a lemon in half and then press the juice out.

You want to make sure that you don’t

Make A Plan (diet) and Stick To It

Finally, it’s important to make a diet and stick to it. You don’t want to do a juice fast for a couple of days only to fall back into poor diet choices.

The worst thing you can do is to fall right back into your old diet habits. That would simply be a recipe for gaining back weight.

So, make sure that you understand your calorie requirements (you can use a free app like MFP) then you can simply dial back the calories by skipping sweets, soda, or a few other things.

The most important thing I would recommend would be to:

Track your calories –

Weight Yourself Every Morning (I like BodyFat Scales)

Exercise – Walk, Jog, Bike or Swim every day

Cut Calories – Add a Juice for Lunch