Is Turmeric Juice Good For You?

Turmeric is known around the world as a super food. Indian food is not the only place that you find turmeric, though it might have been your introduction. But this article is focused on the answering the question: is turmeric juice good for you?

I actually investigated this myself after deciding to juice turmeric. It’s not something that has been popular for many years, so it does deserve some research.

After all, it’s not common for people to juice turmeric, and so I found that a lot of the info online was geared towards turmeric in general, which was mostly turmeric powder.

I hope that after you clear this up it becomes easier to answer.


Is Turmeric Juice Good For You?

is turmeric good for you

Yes. Overall, turmeric juice is good for you. Why? Because curcumin, the chemical compound in turmeric is good for you.

We don’t have to go over the enormous amount of studies, but if you are interested, I’ll link some of them at the bottom. Suffice to say, turmeric has been shown to help with everything from cancer to heart disease and fat burning.

Ok. Straight away I wanted to answer the following question: Is turmeric juice good for you? Or is it unhealthy?

So, the main thing to think about here is how turmeric as an herb interacts with your body. Also, what the difference is between turmeric juice, turmeric powder, and also turmeric root.

First off, most studies have been done using turmeric powder. This is much different than fresh turmeric juice. Many people have been using turmeric powder for years with no ill effect.

You will see recipes for turmeric tea, as well as bullet proof coffees that also use turmeric powder. Not to mention that people have been using turmeric powder for years as well. Has anyone heard of Indian cuisine?

So, turmeric juice is good for you. We know that turmeric juice is good for you because turmeric is good for you.

The bigger question involves whether or not turmeric juice in high amounts is good for you. Because, as you will see there are some questions as to

What is Turmeric Juice Good For?

turmeric spice vs juice

All sorts of things. If you jump on Youtube you can see people talking about how turmeric helps to burn belly fat, help fight off cancer, it can help to control type 2 diabetes, improve memory, fight alzheimer’s, and even help detoxify the body and liver.

Of course, there are cautions whenever you are talking about health benefits. I don’t endorse taking turmeric as a be all and end all for anything.

Remember, it’s important to consider that anytime you hear about such and such health product being good for something, it’s not going to be a substitute for other care. At most, you want to supplement.

In general, the main things that turmeric juice tends to be “good” for is inflammation, and cancer prevention.



What Are The Side Effects of Turmeric?

So, now we’ve come to the big question. What are the side effects of turmeric. Are there big problems with taking turmeric that you need to be aware of.

Yes. There are reports of nausea, as well as the random note of heart palpitations. However, those are few and far between. There is always the issue of some random health problem that is unique to the individual. And these are not that serious.

However, if you are on medication of any kind, then you need to be careful about taking too much turmeric. This is especially true if you happen to be scheduled to go into surgery. If that’s the case, then make sure that your doctor knows that you are taking cumin.

Also, there is some hotly debated discussion about whether or not turmeric is good for your liver. Some studies say it’s good, while others say it is bad. More on this below.

The overall takeaway is that you should use turmeric in moderation.

My personal preference is to juice turmeric instead of taking turmeric supplements. That’s because when you buy fresh turmeric you can avoid the toxins that are found in many turmeric powders. Especially problematic is that most turmeric comes from India (where there is a huge problem with chemicals added to turmeric).


What is a Turmeric Shot?

So, know that you’ve read up on turmeric and you might want to juice it, how can you? Well, you can juice it as part of a leafy green drink, or you can make a turmeric shot.

The most popular type of turmeric shot is the turmeric and lemon shot. This is made with straight turmeric and straight lemon.

The turmeric shot is one of the most common types of turmeric juices you’ll likely see. It’s become on par with something like the wheatgrass shot.

If you’re going to make a turmeric shot, then what I suggest is that you get real turmeric root and wash it thoroughly.

Most turmeric root is grown in India and even if it’s labeled as organic, you never know. So, wash it throughly. And peel the turmeric like you would ginger.

Also, I want to make it clear that I don’t think you should be juicing turmeric every day. There is enough data to suggest that it’s at least slightly possible that it might be an issue.

For turmeric shots, go traditional and only make a small shot. There is no reason that you need to make a big glass. A small cut of turmeric, say a half an inch, should suffice. Adding a lemon in its entirety, or a half a lemon, would work to cut the turmeric’s strong flavor.

Is Turmeric Safe For Your Liver?

Here’s the main concern that I wanted to address. There is some debate as to whether or not turmeric is good for your liver. Is turmeric safe for your liver, or is it something that you need to be careful of.

The obvious answer is that turmeric has been used for centuries in India, and it has been used safely. However, one thing to think about is that turmeric has not bee taken in therapeutic amounts.

People in India have cooked with turmeric, but they have not taken turmeric pills nor have they juiced turmeric.

There is some concern that taking huge amounts of turmeric can actually harm your liver. One study found that a woman had liver problems after taking  lots of turmeric. Even though she was taking turmeric supplement pills, and not drinking turmeric juice, it’s something to be aware of.

Is Turmeric Safe For Heart Patients?

This one is another tricky problem because while turmeric is actually really good for heart disease, there is some issue with turmeric interacting with heart medicine.

Here are a few studies about how turmeric helps heart disease and heart problems:

Overall, as long as you are not taking medication for heart problems, then turmeric isn’t going to be a major issue. But if you are taking medication of any kind, I would proceed with caution.

Topically? Is Turmeric Safe For Skin?

is turmeric good for skin

The final thing that people tend to ask about is if turmeric is safe for skin use. Can you topically apply turmeric to your skin.

There are lots of cosmetics that include a touch of turmeric under the pretense that it’s healthy for your skin.

And there of course there are whole skin regiments that include using turmeric because it can add color.

But, yes, turmeric is safe for your skin as long as you are careful with it and don’t apply so much that you stain your skin.

I would not use turmeric paste as some do, simply because it can stain so strongly.


Links to Studies: