Are Cold Press Juicers Worth It?

Why bother buying a cold press juicer? Is there any reason to buy a cold press juicer over a regular juicer? Are cold press juicers worth it?

Great question and one that makes sense to get the answer before you go out and buy a juicer.

The fact is that, yes, in most cases cold press juicers are wroth it. And they are worth the money for a few reasons. But in order to know why, it takes more than a simple yes or no.

What we’re going to do here is go over what a cold press juicer does differently than a regular juicer and why that makes them better.

Are Cold Press Juicers Worth It: How To Tell

are cold press juicers worth it

The first thing to do when analyzing the question of what makes a good juicer is to look at the quality of the juice you get.

You not only get more juice (quantity) from a cold press juicer, but you get better juice (quality).

A regular juicer simply won’t be able to produce as much juice, or juice that is as good. What you’re going to end up with if you use a regular juicer is pulpy, heat damaged, and nutrient deficient juice.

A cold press juicer is going to squeeze and press out cold raw juice for you.

What Is The Difference Between A Cold Press Juicer and A Regular Juicer

The main difference between cold press juicers and regular juicers is in the heat they produce and the method they use to extract juice.

Cold press juicers are cold by nature because they use a press function.

Regular juicers use a cutting design that creates a tremendous amount of heat.

A cold press juicer doesn’t create anywhere as much heat due to a few things:

First, a cold press juicer has a slow design. Slow press and cold press are sometimes used interchangeably. That’s because they are similar things.

The second reason that a cold press juicer doesn’t create heat is that the screw or auger design doesn’t rip apart and tear the fruit.

Is Cold Pressed Juice as good as Fresh?

how do cold pressed juicers work

Yes, cold pressed juice is as good as fresh juice. That’s because cold press juice is fresh juice.

Now, if you let your cold pressed juice sit around for a long time, then you won’t get much benefit from it. But if you drink it fresh, right after you’ve juiced it, then it’s the same thing.

There is no such thing as store brought cold pressed juice. There are some stores that sell pressed juice, but these are juices are not suitable to sit around for a long time. You are only going to find them in stores like Pressed and some other places. I would be even be hesitant about buying them.

Places like Whole Foods and Trader Joes sell things like celery juice freshly pressed, but its cheaper in the long run to simply buy a good juicer for celery and make it at home.

That way you know exactly what goes into your juice and you know how old it is.

So, cold pressed juice is as good as fresh juice, as long as you’re making it yourself at home.


Are All Cold Press Juicers Equal?

Sadly, no not all cold press juicers are equal. This is because there has been a tremendous amount of press and publicity about cold press juicers and how good they are.

The risk when you buy a cold press juicer is that you’re buying one that is cheaply made. That can be disastrous. Some of the cheaply made Chinese cold press juicers aren’t even cold press. I’ve seen ones that were advertised as cold press but which were regular juicers.

A lot of this is because people are making a killing selling off-brand, highly marketed junk online.

So that is why I say you should always stick to a brand like Omega, Kuvings, or Hurom. You know that these brands are well made and there is a reason that they are the ones that people who know about juicing and raw food diets use on a daily basis.

Does It Matter If You Juice Fruit or Vegetables

Not really. The conventional wisdom is that you really only need a cold press juicer if you’re making a green juice with leafy greens like Spinach or Kale.

But that’s not true at all.

If you want to juice a lemon and also juice the lemon skin? Then you need a cold press juicer. The same reason that olive oil is made by pressing the olives, lemon skin shouldn’t be juiced in a regular juicer. You should only be using a good cold press juicer.

Not only that, but the heat from the regular juicer damages the juice even if it’s only fruit. The main thing to remember is that heat of any kind is something you want to avoid.

Also, regular juicers simply aren’t efficient at extracting enough juice from fruits or vegetables. They end up leaving a lot of wet pulp behind.

That’s the reason why many people love cold press juicers. Even though they cost more to buy than regular juicers, they end up saving you money in the long run because you don’t end up with as much waste.

Are Cold Press Juicers Just Worth It For Greens

cold press juicer heat

Definitely. If you are someone who is going to be juicing leafy greens, then you can’t afford to not use a cold press juicer.

Regular juicers aren’t suitable to juice leafy greens. End of story. Not to mention that they are not cold press.

Heat destroys the nutrients in juice, which is something that has been covered endlessly in multiple studies.

If you are going to juice greens, then it makes sense that you buy something with a cold press design. This is because leafy greens are very hard to juice (that’s why I suggest that you always buy something that functions as a cold press juicer).

Regular juicers create heat because of the way in which they extract juice. They tear apart the greens using tiny blades spinning at very high speeds. This creates heat.

The object of a cold press juicer is to be slow and to also be cold. The greens are slowly pressed until all of the juice is pressed and squeezed out. This creates less friction and as everyone who took a physics class will remember, friction is what is responsible for heat.

So, yes, if you’re going to juice leafy greens, then cold press juicers are worth it!


Read More on Cold Press Juicers

I have a complete write up on cold press juicers here.

That article will help you understand what to look for when choosing between the different models that are available online.