3 Reasons You Should Add Coconut Oil To Smoothies and Green Juices

Coconut oil is one of the best things you can add to your berry smoothies and green juices. It provides a nice flavor as well as improving the nutrient quality of your juice or smoothie.

Temperature Considerations When Adding Coconut Oil To Smoothies and Green Juices


Coconut oil is going to be solid at room temperature, unless you are in a warm climate (or during the summer). This is not an issue when making a smoothie because when it is blended up it easily emulsifies into the drink. When you are making a green juice, you should not run it through the juicer. Instead, you should warm up the oil if it is hard. You should not apply direct heat. What you can do is place the container of coconut oil, if the container is glass, next to a warm stove. Or you can place a bit of the coconut oil into a ramakin or other small over proof container and put it in the stove at a very low temperature. Once it reaches liquid temperature it can easily be put into the green juice.

And Now On To The Benefits Of Coconut Oil In Your Juice Or Smoothie


MCT Is Brain Energy

 Most of the attention to coconut oil is due to the studies linking MCT fats and improved cognition in people with Alzheimer’s. The studies show that even taking a small amount of the MCT oil helped with memory. This is because medium chain triglycerides are better utilized by the brain for energy than long chain triglycerides. The best source of MCT is coconut oil. The brain bossing benefits is one reason that people who make buttered coffee add coconut oil to their drinks. It’s an excellent way to get a boost to your thinking. So, if you’re making a morning smoothie of green juice, then adding coconut oil is a fantastic way to supercharge your thinking before you get to work.


Coconut Oil Can Protect Your Liver

Coconut oil has been found to protect the liver against toxic anti-biotic drugs. A study was done using mice where a group of mice was administered an antibiotic that is known to have an adverse reaction on the liver. One subset of mice were also given Virgin coconut oil. The other group was only given the antibiotic.The group that received the Virgin coconut oil showed less damage to the liver from the treatment with antibiotics.

The other benefit to the liver is that coconut oil (specifically the Medium Chain fatty acids) are easier on the liver because they are faster to convert into to energy. Compare this to long chain fatty acids that require more work on the part of the liver to convert them into energy.

Coconut Oil Has Anti-Cancer Properties

In his groundbreaking book, Dr. Bruce Fife explains how coconut oil can prevent the formation of cancerous cells. The cancers included Skin Cancer and Stomach Cancer.

One aspect of coconut oil is its ability to stop helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is responsible for the formation of stomach cancers.




You can read more about Dr. Fife’s views on coconut oil in his book The Coconut Oil Miracle.

The Fat In Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat!


One benefit that many bodybuilders and people looking to drop fat have discovered is that the MCT (medium chain fats) in coconut oil are better for energy and fat loss. There is some evidence that the liver immediately uses this energy or else turns it into Ketone bodies. This keotogenic diet is used by epileptics, but also by those looking to lose fat. When your body enters into keotosis, the liver is burning fat (using fat instead of carbs) for energy. There is some debate as to wheater or not this is a good thing. However, you don’t have to be on a strict ketogenic diet in order to benefit from coconut oil. In fact, if you’re the type who is going to make smothies and leafy green drinks, then you are not on a keotogenic diet. The best diet will not be extreme and there is no reason to eliminate carbs from your diet.

One thing to keep in mind is that  there are studies where mice were fed either Long Chain or Medium Chain (the type found in coconut oil) and the mice that were fed the medium chain fats had 23% less bodyfat.