3 Fruits to Make Wheatgrass Taste Great

Anyone who has ever tried wheatgrass knows that it doesn’t taste great. There are some people who learn to live with the strong and unpleasant flavor, but most people end up quitting it all together.

I’m not one who things you should quit drinking wheatgrass. While it is an unpleasant tasting drink, it is also healthy.

While I’m not someone who thinks that wheatgrass is the best thing in the world, it certainly has it’s upsides. There are plenty of legit reasons to want to drink wheatgrass.

So, as someone who understands that not everyone has the stomach to drink pure wheatgrass, what I’ve done here is list what I consider to be the best things you can add to wheatgrass to make it taste better.

Not only that, but these fruits make your wheatgrass healthier. So, there’s no downside to adding them to your drink.

Let’s get right into it.


Lemons: Including the Peel

lemons and wheatgrass











The first thing I always suggest people try when they find a juice too strong is to add a lemon. This is especially true when you’re juicing leafy greens like spinach, kale, parsley or the dreaded wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass has a very strong earthy flavor. It’s not something that you are accustomed to if you’ve only drank normal green drinks.

Those wheatgrass shots that they sell in the juice shops often will have a sunk smell to them. Now, sometimes that is a sign that the wheatgrass isn’t fresh, but it’s also sometimes just a natural flavor. Some people have called wheatgrass a skunky tasting juice.

In order to get rid of this skunky flavor you can add a lemon. More precisely you will want to add a lemon with the lemon skin still on it.

The lemon skin has oil in it. That oil is what makes the lemon smell so fresh when you cut into it.

The lemon essential oil in the lemon skin is what is harvested to make perfumes, fresh lemon smelling soaps, and organic room sprays. It’s that powerful.

So, if you juice that lemon peel in your juicer with the wheatgrass then what you’re going to get is a strong citrus lemon flavor that is stronger than the wheatgrass.

A single lemon added to your wheatgrass juice is going to be amazing. You’re going to end up with a lemon wheatgrass shot. That’s actually a great way to wake up and get energized for the morning.

I recommend for all of these recipes to either grow your own wheatgrass on your windowsill in pots or else buy an organic wheatgrass powder.

I’ll discuss wheatgrass powder in more detail below.


Pineapple: Skip the Peel

pineapple and wheatgrass


















Another option to make wheatgrass taste better is to use pineapple. It’s a less sour tasting fruit than lemon, but it still has a strong flavor that will cover the wheatgrass.

You will have to have a higher pineapple to wheatgrass ration, though.

Whereas with lemon and wheatgrass you can have a mixture of roughly 50/50, that won’t work with pineapple.

I would suggest mixing 2/1 pineapple to wheatgrass. And it’s also important to make sure you use the right type of pineapple.

What’s the right type of pineapple? Well, by that I mean a pineapple is best to juice when it’s just ripe. Don’t let it overripen because then it becomes too sweet.

Now, there are some people who like sweet pineapples, however when you are juicing  pineapple in order to cover for the flavor of wheatgrass, you do not want a sweet drink. Just the opposite. You want more of that sour taste.

And a fresh pineapple has a more refreshing tartness than an overripe pineapple. This tartness will help to cover the earthiness of the wheatgrass.

When a pineapple, it is important that you remove the skin. You can’t juice pineapple skin. If you try to, you will get a really messy result. It’s easy enough to simply peel  a pineapple (or use one of those cool pineapple corers) to remove.

You could even mix the pineapple and lemon and combine them to make a wheatgrass juice. That’s for people who want something really tart and aren’t a fan of pineapple juice straight.


Sour Apples: Granny Smith Time

apples green juice





















Another option to consider when making a wheatgrass drink is to use a granny smith apple. These apples are sour and tart, which is the perfect combination to add to wheatgrass.

Don’t try and use regular apples and think that you’ll get a good result. While many apples such as Rome and Golden Delicious are perfect for normal juicing and eating, they won’t work great with a wheat grass juice.

Why? Because those apples don’t have the same tartness as a Granny Smith apples. And so you won’t get that flavor to mask the wheatgrass.

If you’re going to use Granny Smith apples, make sure you’re using organic apples. If you don’t get organic apples, then either really scrub the skin or else peel them.

Apples are one of the most heavily sprayed fruits, so you will want to make sure you clean them thoroughly before juicing them.

Lemon’s aren’t as heavily sprayed with pesticides, but even in that case I advise buying organic…especially since you are juicing the skin.

The apples flavor is in the fruit , not just the skin, whereas with a lemon most of the beneficial flavor is coming from the skin and the lemon oil


Grow Your Own Wheatgrass or Add a Powder?

Buying fresh wheatgrass can be tricky. There are some health food stores that sell it bagged, which is great. And you can also find it sold in small planter pots to keep in your kitchen by the window.

What I would suggest is that you either grow your own or else use a organic wheatgrass powder.

It’s simply easier in many cases to use a well made organic powder. This is especially true if you’re someone who is a beginner and new to juicing’s and simply want an easy to use juicer and to make simple juices.

The upside to using an organic wheatgrass powder is that you can keep it in your fridge and not worry about having to grow fresh wheatgrass or worry about constantly keeping a fresh supply in your crisper drawer.

Then, when you’re looking to make a wheatgrass, all you have to do is add a bit to a ready made lemon juice and you’ve got a super healthy wheatgrass shot.